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  1. Ruthie

    The word association game
  2. Ruthie

    The word association game

  3. Ruthie

    The word association game

  4. Ruthie

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I have to trim and package soap for one of my commercial accounts, but I didn't get housework done yesterday since I was working in the yard. It was our last day before the winter weather hits again, and I had to take advantage. So I may just take a sick day on Monday. Last week I worked too...
  5. Ruthie

    Anyone use a kerosene heater?

    Hopefully you won't need to use it. But I wanted to add a warning. In a nearby town a man tried to move his outside to turn it off, spilled the kerosene out of it while it was lit, and ended up with quite a fire. So---- if you do have to use it, just put up with those fumes when turning it on...
  6. Ruthie

    Let's tell a story....

    No longer hungry...
  7. Ruthie

    The word association game

  8. Ruthie

    Let's tell a story....

    Chocolate chip icing
  9. Ruthie

    The word association game

  10. Ruthie

    The word association game

  11. Ruthie

    The word association game

  12. Ruthie

    Let's tell a story....

    with a twist
  13. Ruthie

    So far all my recipes are drying. Any advice?

    Another vote for lard here! And tallow, too, though not as much. And yes, be sure you cure it long enough. For my skin, 4 weeks is not long enough. 8 is better and 3 months is even better.
  14. Ruthie

    When should goat milk NOT be used?

    I'm with Carolyn. I'd only avoid it in vegan soap. I use it all the time and haven't had any problems. Haven't tried it with beer, though.
  15. Ruthie

    Let's tell a story....

    cupcakes with icing
  16. Ruthie

    The word association game

    neighbor (Yup, there's a story behind that, but I'm not telling!)
  17. Ruthie

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Yes, it is safe to use. I've used it and had no problem with it.
  18. Ruthie

    Four Year Old Soap

    Great find! I know you'll enjoy those. (Though I'm still not sure it makes a mouse invasion worth it!)
  19. Ruthie

    Sorry, olive oil

    My last jug from WM was the pomace- 'cause that's all they had in the big one. Can't say I like it- except for the price. I much prefer Sam's. As for a replacement, I have not been satisfied with any I tried. I did get DOS from canola, so I no longer use it. Rice bran oil is not cheap, and...