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  1. CaliChan

    has anyone made a soap box?

    I've been considering painting the inside of one of my hand made molds with silicone. That way I don't have to sacrifice perfect shaped bars just cause I don't want to line my mold. (I have a silicone mold as well)
  2. CaliChan

    My Rant People Who relive themselves in public

    those street potties are a great idea and made me laugh alittle harder then i probably should of. i think its tacky to "relieve yourself" in broad daylight, i mean seriously a bathroom cant be that far away. However, before my best friend passed away he did it all the time. and it was because he...
  3. CaliChan

    Haven't bought soap since 2006

    I haven't used commercial cleaners or soaps in about a year. It started with the laundry soap and we saved so much money I've been looking into making everything I can. Now we only get the raw ingredients from the store from food to "beauty products" Now if I could just stop making soap all the...
  4. CaliChan

    Size of the average bar

    My bars are usually either 3.25 or 4 oz and they range.between 4.75 and 8 bucks depending on ingredients I come up with the cost by adding the (cost of ingredients+ how much I pay myself)÷ number of bars in the batch. Then you multiply that number by 2 for retail sale or 1.5 for whole sale
  5. CaliChan

    you know your husband has been brain washed when

    Clemmey: I think you may want to read this. I only recently started looking into GMOs and why they are bad. But I do know that other countries have banned them. And that it kills some of the nutritional value. I don't want to have to eat more to be healthy, America has enough of an obesity...
  6. CaliChan

    would these work together?

    "Smokey water" to me represents an Indian sweat lodge. After my good friend died I went to several sweats for a spiritual cleanse. And when your in the sweet lodge your sitting in a circle around a deep pit dug in the ground that is filled with rocks that have been in a fire for a long time and...
  7. CaliChan

    Carrot Lemon soap test. What Happened?

    did it pass the zap test? thats really odd, what are the ingredients on the carrot juice??
  8. CaliChan

    sugar in soap

    I discount some of the water (roughly 2 oz) for the lye solution and i use that to disolve the water in and i add it when im mixing my lye solution and oils together.
  9. CaliChan

    you know your husband has been brain washed when

    he uses it all the time. he even likes it. hes just under the impression that if hand made was so good dove and other big soap companies would be selling it as well. Bodhi: i know what you mean! i was talking to one of my old friends from elementary school and i was telling her about how i...
  10. CaliChan

    would these work together?

    I was wanting to make a "Smokey water" soap and I was wanting to scent it with white thyme and Rosemary EOs Do you guys think they would go well together?
  11. CaliChan

    you know your husband has been brain washed when

    He thinks that if handmade was so much better that every one would be doing it. *rolls eyes* what hedoesnt seem to understand is that all to often big companies chose a quick buck over quality. Mass media has proven its effectiveness with him. He's still on a "high fructose corn syrup is better...
  12. CaliChan

    A rant - and nothing about soap

    What the crap? He's 29 and can't afford 325??? I'm so confused. I'm 23 and have never had to ask my mom for deposit money. *shakes head*
  13. CaliChan

    you know your husband has been brain washed when

    He tells you that its healthier and safer to use commercial products. That there is absolutely no down fall to gmo food and that commercial soap is not as bad as I make it out to be. That hand made soaps are worse for you.
  14. CaliChan

    Angelina Jolie - Your Thoughts

    I don't think she jumped the gun I think she made the best choice she could make for herself. My family has a bad habit of getting cancer and if I tested positive I would have done the same thing. My ****s are not worth risking leaving my kids here without their mother. I think she did something...
  15. CaliChan

    Have a bite of .....

    Very very very nice! I finally got around to making a slab mold. Doubt mine will be as nice as yours for quite some time
  16. CaliChan

    Where does everyone buy their oils?

    I buy mine from local businesses, Walmart and what ever I can't get at those stores I buy at brambleberry. The shipping from essential depot is murder (60 bucks last time I tried to order) but since I live in the same state as brambleberry the shipping is only 10-15 bucks each time.
  17. CaliChan

    HP Carrot Soap Test

    Ahhh your such a tease I got all excited.
  18. CaliChan

    Soap ****

    You could always make it into imbeds? I've been doing that with my poop bathes. That way it saves me from a rebatch
  19. CaliChan

    Soap ****

    Hahahhahaha I didn't see it till I looked for it. But I think it looks awesome. Penis, testicle and all But in all seriousness it does look really cool.