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  1. N

    aAny really good pumpkin oil soap recipe out there?

    I don't know how helpful this actually is and I don't have any actual experience with this oil, but, soapee says that pumpkin seed oil is about 50% linoleic acid with if I understand it correctly it very conditioning but also very prone to rancidity so it makes sense to just use a tiny amount...
  2. N

    Technique advice

    I've been wondering about that too, it's a really pretty soap.
  3. N

    palm vs tallow in shave soap

    I know someone in "the big thread" tested this, (efficacious gentleman maybe?) and the conclusion was that palm worked ok but not quite as good as tallow or lard, if I remember correctly.
  4. N

    Inidigo in hot process

    From what I've seen it seems hard go get a good color from indigo, it will morph or fade, woad apparently works better if you cqn get your hands on some.
  5. N

    best recipe for swirling

    I lean toward that your technique is more important than the recipe when swirling: just mix until emulsion not trace, soap at appropriate temperatures, lard and butters seems to stay fluid longest at higher temperatures, prepare fragrances and colours before mixing the soap batter, those kinds...
  6. N

    Mojito EO Blend

    I'm also curious to how the scent will hold up in soap as citruses tend to fade,would be awesome to hear back from you after cure:)
  7. N

    Matching soap with fragrance

    Yes, I'm thinking spicy/gourmand too. But what spicy EOs does ever behave in CP soap?
  8. N

    Looking for a wooden tall and skinny mould in Europe

    I can relate, lol. While clearing out a dead relativas things this past weekend, I snatched a couple of drawer shelves that was going to the dump anyway, with the intention of modyfiing them into soap moulds. So just go for it, they don't need to be pretty:mrgreen:
  9. N

    Perfume blends

    I love ylang ylang, have to try those blends! I've been thinking of making my own perfumes too and have a small collection of perfumery stuff but haven't come around to actually make anything yet. I feel I'm not knowledgeable enough yet and soaping is taking up all my brain capacity :think:
  10. N

    A hard lesson learned in buying EOs

    Now you're making me curious, which company?
  11. N

    Couple of ROE questions

    I've been thinking about adding ROE or some other antioxidant to my EOs too, since even the smallest bottles will take me years to use up. But I don't really have experience or knowledge to really know if it's a good idea.
  12. N

    Soap, Inchoate

    So you meant THAT dragon scale, I thought you meant the mermaid scales thingy. Lol. I want to try that technique too though, it looks awesome.
  13. N

    Hanger Swirl ... Kind of

    Yeah, I can't see the swirl, but still pretty, did you scent it?
  14. N

    How can I make this soap more slippery?

    If you have no problems with animal fats I would add a big portion of tallow, it's like the slipperyest ting in the world and used a lot in shaving soap for that reason. Also drop the castor to 5%, more than that doesn't really add anything good. You would also like to formulate your recipe...
  15. N

    Fish oil soap?

    Oh! I've been wondering about that too...and where to get some fish fat:think: My one pound koi fish single cavity mould arrived today and I would really want to make a fish fat soap with it. Imagine the cut soaps, fish head, tail, slice of the body with fins and scales and everything!
  16. N

    EO Usage Rate

    I'm in the process of making a batch of isg's version of pear's soap and I've heard that the resin/rosin scent won't come through in the final product so I thought I was going to scent it to kind of sort of mimic the scent of the resin. I have narrowed it down to a few EOs that I'm choosing from...
  17. N

    Clear formula? Also, is this Vanilla legit?

    Vanillin can be sourced from other cheaper things than vanilla beans and still be considered natural, I think I heard some sort of mold could be used.
  18. N

    Jager Soap

    Oh, that would be a really fun idea to try! I have some crema de mental I want to use up :mrgreen:
  19. N

    Anyone use Vegemulse / Cetearyl Glucoside for Lotions?

    Try this: Apparently ritamulse it the same thing as vegemulse.
  20. N

    Help with ombre, please

    For what it's worth I think your soap is really pretty, would have been totally happy with it if it were mine!