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  1. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    1800 pieces of Lego !!! Omg.
  2. Consuela

    Can we please talk about super fat?

    I super fat between 3 and 5 which seems to work well with our water here. I've done 8 and didn't like it at all. And yes dos for sure, is what I got. But salt bars I SF at 10, and that also works well here.
  3. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I have this sweet grass fo I just got in the mail today, and I'm wondering what I shall do with it. Solid soap? Swirly soap? Layered? I'm not going to think about it right now. Tomorrow is a new day. And yes, I definitely needed a coffee. :)
  4. Consuela

    Beeswax that doesn't smell too hot.

    So these are the first 3 batches I did. First filtering. And I agree, the smoky smell has faded with the filtering. Hubby agrees too. First two batches are from the same bee keeper, third is from a different one. The third definitely smells sweeter to me.
  5. Consuela

    Beeswax that doesn't smell too hot.

    So I probably have about 30lbs of beeswax to render down and strain some bee parts out of so I started that today. Well one batch smells strongly smoky, not like honey. Almost burnt smoke. I wonder if the wax was burned when the beekeeper was extracting it? I'm not sure what to do with...
  6. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I've been under the weather a few days. Rather annoying as I haven been sick in a year and a half. But feeling much better today. Maybe tackle and re shelve some things. We'll see how long I stay motivated.
  7. Consuela

    Regulation POLICE!! And what they ACTUALLY will do!

    Labelling correctly is important. Insurance is important. As small little people we need all the help we can get and this includes following the rules and regulations. One person, hellbent on a lawsuit can and will ruin your life. Because sometimes people are just like that. And sometimes it's...
  8. Consuela

    Glass Jars for storage and Lid Linings

    Mason jars make nice packaging but shipping, they're kind of heavy. I use them though when making Xmas baskets for family, and not having to ship.
  9. Consuela

    Anyone use hydrosols?

    I have used rose hydrosol before in my rose hip soap and I found that it did add some fragrance. I'm not sure if any properties survived the lye but the soap did smell nice. It was a small batch 8 bars, and I subbed 100% for the water.
  10. Consuela

    Finely ground oatmeal

    I grind my oats really really fine. To a powder also. Never tried baby oatmeal, maybe I should!
  11. Consuela

    Unrefined Shea Butter

    I haven't noticed a texture difference with refined. Vs unrefined, only just a slight colour difference. I also would try using more liquid oils. And modifying your recipe that way if you find the Shea too thick.
  12. Consuela

    Essential Oil Question

    Orange fades for me if I don't use another oil with it. I have never used cornstarch, but I've read that it helps. Usually I add clay. And I add clay and the Eo's at trace. After I've combined my lye and oils together. And it's usually litasea or patch that I add with it.
  13. Consuela

    What is your lye mixing container made out of?

    ......the tupperware cereal storage containers my mom gave to me... (she knows...but I still feel slightly guilty because know Mom's and their Tupperware...) I usually wash them at the end of my soaping session, and rinse them well - they haven't clouded - and the plastic is realy...
  14. Consuela

    Essential oil by weight? Or volume?

    I do everything by weight, except for scents. I use 1TBS PPO. And that seems to work well for me.
  15. Consuela

    Inspired by Lotton

  16. Consuela

    how do you store your finished soaps?

    If you store them together they WILL for sure start to smell the same :( I wrap them in paper once they're cured, and then I store them on a shelf - that hubby put up, just for that purpose. If I start to get overrun, then I put the wrapped soaps in paper bags, grouped together, left open to...
  17. Consuela

    French green clay hastens spoilage?

    I also use French Green Clay - haven't had anything like that happen.
  18. Consuela

    Booth critique

    Nicely done:) Yup - that's why I would go with the apple crates - you can pack your things in them, and then use them for display :) But careful... 100+ bars gets heavy ! And maybe sign out on the front of your table? Hope your show was great!!!!!!!!!
  19. Consuela

    Aloe Vera powder in a body butter

    I'm not sure if you could use it in this style of lotion - unless it says that it's oil soluble - because I gather you're not making an oil-water-emulsion type lotion? You're making an oil/butter lotion?
  20. Consuela

    I was that annoying soaper at the stand!

    I have seen this also... and not just at Lush. I wonder to myself (and to the Hubby as well) - how do they cut if/when it is fully cured? without mangling their bars? I might be in the minority, but often I cut while soap is still warm - super clean edges, and easy because I do it by hand...