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  1. Consuela

    Lard in shampoo bar?

    I also add castor about 7 percent? And I sf my soaps and shampoos differently. I have also used 20 percent castor and I recall that recipe was draggy.
  2. Consuela

    Lard in shampoo bar?

    My first shampoo bars used lard... and shea butter... And it's impossible for me to know if the lard was oily - or if the olive oil was oily - because I changed up my recipe lots before settling on my current one... My recipe only uses about 5% shea butter - at that amount I don't find the...
  3. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Thank you ! Now in other news.......... Mucho freaking respecto for all you talented, patient, loving people who manage a piping bag on a regular basis. Serious all the respect guys. Because I don't think I will EVER do that again. So my mother in law loves Japanese cherry blossom. It's her...
  4. Consuela

    Gift baskets

    The only time I ever did good with baskets, was at a market I attended, 10 days before Christmas. Boyfriends. Husbands. Last Minute Shoppers. "Quick I need something for my girlfriend, You got a $50 basket?" or "I need something for a staff gift exchange under $25". And by good, I mean that I...
  5. Consuela

    what happened

    Those buggers are sneaky.... I thought perhaps the cut side would change too - but perhaps it is just ash..
  6. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    So here's the Star Anise & Lavender Soap that hubby requested - for some reason he's had it in his head that that's a good scent combo - and it is nice. It smells kind of manly ish... Midnight Black Clay and Alkanet Root (which I love for varrying degrees of purple). And the Unicorn Soap aka...
  7. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I used the rest of my Lye up today. (Tomorrow, I'll go get more). Made just 1/2 batches of my regular recipe: Dragons Blood - which I ammend my previous statements - totally accelerates. Patchouli - MY personal favourite. Rosehip - My Unicorn soap. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't...
  8. Consuela

    Comments Requested About FO from NDA

    I like leaves from NDA but, it's not phlalate free which bothers me because it does smell awesome. And strong. No acceleration or discolouring. Vanilla cream is nice, but I find a little bit more than 1tbs PPo is best for the smell to really pop. Accelerates a little and discolours to a dark...
  9. Consuela

    Nut oil in soap and nut allergies?

    Sh** Goji, I never even thought of that.... I only use Jojoba in my lip balms - and in my face cream and hubby's facial serum. (Nope, not in my soap). I have no clue if its safe - we might need to do some more research on that....and see for sure - because I bet a lot of people don't realize...
  10. Consuela

    Nut oil in soap and nut allergies?

    I don't use nut oils in my soaps because of this too - my niece has a severe nut allergy. (however, she can drink Almond Milk - which puzzles all of us.....) BUT.... there's no reason why you can't have a couple of soaps with those oils - and put CLEARLY on the label so that there is no...
  11. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Out of the Bottle, I wasn't a huge fan... I was like "Oh, this is really powdery, honey you won't like it at all." But once I CP'd the smell changed to something I like. I am very impressed with the smell...the powder toned down a lot. The only thing I didn't like - was that it behaved like...
  12. Consuela

    Tallow score

    Back when we first started soap, hubby did the rendering. Well we both did but he was very active in that. Especially the heavy pot lifting. Our friends family have an organic beef farm in Manitoba and they would save big boxes for me twice a year (their harvest times). Then they moved back to...
  13. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Made a sweet grass soap today, and a funky combo that the husband requested with star anise and lavender. All the swirling. Alkanet root for purple and black clay for well, black. The sweet grass was requested by hubby too. He bought a bar of this soap at a local cigarette shop and it has such...
  14. Consuela

    Who is your Shea Butter Source?

    But they are all nice. :)
  15. Consuela

    Who is your Shea Butter Source?

    I've tried the refined, unrefined and the Burkina Faso which is what I'm using now. Bought 3kg and I like it. It's a nicer texture, seems softer.
  16. Consuela

    Who is your Shea Butter Source?

    I've been getting my Shea from NDA and never had a grainy batch, I've been very happy with them so far.
  17. Consuela

    Went on a bender @ WSP last night

    I don't know how the Clove Bud is from WSP - but Clove Bud has ALWAYS accelerated for me - always.... no matter where I got it from, so I've always soaped fast with that one.... (Does smell nice, and works well with other Eo's.) Not sure that it's therapeutic grade enough to use on toothaches...
  18. Consuela

    The L store

    Yes but but not all if their products list the preservative. Only some. This new line of "self preserving products" they offer is one I've been reading their propaganda on. I used to use one of their face lotion (with Almond Milk) but now I make my own, now that I've dabbled in lotions for...
  19. Consuela

    First of many Questions - Coconut Milk

    I have always added my cm at trace. I've found that to be the best for me. One or two quick pulses with the blender then I stir by hand, otherwise it stars to set up on me fast. I work fast. I've only had one problem where my soap started to set up , and I stick blended my cm in for wayyyyy...
  20. Consuela

    My first shaving soap is a success!

    Well now, this is a hell of a read. :) And I'm glad I did because I was just going add some bentonite to my regular soap recipe, and call it a shaving soap for my cousin who asked me to make him some. Well that might have been a waste of time because he's looking for something that has good...