Thank you,, that is super sweet of you,, but there is no need because I went crasy with my kredit card and bought them all.. I am having a serious case of buyer's remorse,, they were really spendy.. but hopefully smell fabulous.
That would be a sweet deal, I have to order everything from the US,, I can't even find palm oil here.... and on top of that we are dealing with a major currency crash,, the price of the dollar went up 100%.
What FO's would you reccomend from those suppliers?
I know every nose is different but I am just totally clueless and indecisive.
Thank you for your input,, I have soaped Instant karma and it is wonderful and very similar to Lush karma..
Is the Kazi kazi similar to the original from lush...
I am ordering some FO's from Daystar, The scent works and WSP and I am having a huge decision making phobia.
I would be so grateful you could tell me which of these you have liked or disliked and if there are any I have not listed that are worth trying.
The scent works
Instant karma...
Maybe I should start trimming the edges, although I polish some of the edges off it is still pretty sharp.
That nail trick is genius carebear, I will start with that...
I wear huge protective goggles and long sleve shirt that I tuck under my gloves and I always wear shoes in case of soap spills.
I also have a 3 months old so after I finish making soap I wash all my clothes and take a shower ,, I am a bit neurotic...
I like to make a perfect bar and all the bars to be the same size, I don't bevel though.... but I polish all of my soap :roll: My hubby thinks that is totally unnecessary but I feel like I have to...
I want to make a simple, white and "not so drying" bar of soap. I want to use 70-80% coconut oil and 20-30 % of rice bran or cottonseed (haven't decided).
Would you think a superfat of 18% is to generous or should I just stick to my usual 10-12%..
She was asking about rebatching and superfatting just over 2 months ago,, so I am afraid she did not know anything until she started making it..
Kveðja María
I was calculating how much soap i have made and I almost can not belive this number.
This is definitely not a cheap hobby, I have an extra job to support this habit..
What do you guys think?
I almost couldn't belive it.. I have been making soap for almost 18 months and reading and researhing months before that and I have learned so much. For the first 4 months my soap was not that nice and not nearly good enough for selling..
Maybe I'm just being bitter...