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  1. X

    found a good deal on Pomice Olive oil locally

    We don't have a Costco membership, we do have a Sams membership though. :) I priced Olive oil at Sams, and the Pomice Olive oil at GFS is cheaper by at least $5. I don't sell, I just make for family and friends so I can't see paying a higher price when Pomice works just fine for my purposes. :)
  2. X

    found a good deal on Pomice Olive oil locally

    There is a Gordons Food Service store about 30 min away from me and I was so happy to find that they carry Pomice Olive oil for $15.64/gallon. :clap:
  3. X

    Can You Identify The Soap Mold Used?

    I saw something similar at BB, but could not find that exact one.
  4. X

    50% lye solution "lye crust"

    yes, it did look like a film on the surface, with clear lye solution underneath. I did find my sieve so I did strain it out just in case. It's been quite some time since I've done a 50% lye solution, so maybe the crust was there before and I just don't remember. :-P ok, so add extra water...
  5. X

    50% lye solution "lye crust"

    I just made a 50% lye solution: 5.2 oz of lye, 5.2 oz of water. Slowly added the lye to the water and stirred and stirred. I left it on the counter to cool for a while whilst I gathered the rest of my supplies, measured and melted etc. When I went to take a look at the lye water it had a sort of...
  6. X

    You're addicted to CP when...

    When you find it difficult to type the word SOUP because your fingers/brain just assume you are thinking soap again.
  7. X

    Any known substitute for sodium lactate?

    I use Meyenburg powdered Goat Milk. I get it at Walmart Supercenter. It's full fat.
  8. X

    WSP's Spa Tonic FO?

    Thanks navigator. I will give it a try.
  9. X

    Soap Toppings and Garnish

    I second this. Most all herbs will turn brown/black when added to soap. Calendula is one that will keep it's color in soap. Fair warning about lavender buds. Please resist all attempts to add whole lavender buds to your soap. You should always grind/crush them before adding to soap because...
  10. X

    Any known substitute for sodium lactate?

    Yogurt contains lactic acid, and when soaped will form sodium lactate. :-) I am not a big fan of using SL in my soaps, but I love using Yogurt in my soap! It makes a harder bar, and thicker and creamier, luxurious lather. I prefer using full fat Greek yogurt. I mix my lye with enough water to...
  11. X

    WSP's Spa Tonic FO?

    Thanks! I will have to put this FO on my wish list. Right now I am placing an order with WSP for the silicone loaf mold and am ordering some other things to make the $40 for free shipping. :-)
  12. X

    WSP's Spa Tonic FO?

    Thank you for your replies. I looked for Mediterranean Spa, but did not find it.
  13. X

    WSP's Spa Tonic FO?

    Has anyone gotten the SPA TOnic FO from WSP? Did you like it? I am looking for a spa type scent to make Salt Bars with. Thanks!
  14. X

    BB's or WSP's silicone loaf mold

    Thank you so much to everyone who replied to this post! I appreciate all of the input. I am aware of the WSP $40 minimum, and planned to make the minimum. I Can always use more soap supplies, right? ;-) I was not aware of the recent problems with slow shipping from BB. :shock: I placed an...
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    BB's or WSP's silicone loaf mold

    Which one was it that the sides bowed out on with HP? WSP or BB? Or both? LOL
  16. X

    BB's or WSP's silicone loaf mold

    Thanks everyone for your replies! Really either size will work for me. As far as the size difference goes, while the BB one is longer, the WSP one is a hair wider/taller. You would think they would hold right around the same amount of oils. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I mostly do HP...
  17. X

    BB's or WSP's silicone loaf mold

    Hello, I have been away from soap making for quite some time, and just getting back into it. I was looking at these two silicone loaf molds from BB's and WSP. and this one from BB...
  18. X

    Fourth of July

  19. X

    SFIC soap bases explain?

    SFIC is a manufacturer of MP bases. Their bases are excellent quality. You can order from them directly, but they have a high minimum. here is their website: There are several suppliers that carry SFIC bases if you can'r meet sfic's minimum.
  20. X

    What is your favorite soap base from SFIC and why?

    The castile base from Peak is the only base I have found that we can use on our sensitive skin. there is no coconut oil or synthetic detergents in this base and it leaves my skin feeling soft and it's not drying at all. Perfect for the more sensitive types.