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  1. X

    I tried the hanger swirl tonight!

    I tried the hanger swirl tonight! PICS Added! Way back when... I used to do CP, for probably the first couple of years of my soaping. Then I got into hp because I didn't like to wait so long for the soap to cure LOL Over the years I have still done some cp here and there, but mostly cphp...
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    My Lavender Spoon Swirl Soap

    Beautiful soap! Great job!
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    Please Help!!!

    Lots of soft oils in there. If you are a beginner soaper, then it's best to keep it simple with less ingredients...less room for error. :) I've been making soap for about 17 years now, and honestly you won't even notice a difference in the finished product between using all of those special...
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    Cucumber Soap?

    I have used cucumber plenty of times with no issues. Like Coffeetime, I use it as part of my water. What I do though is stick blend it into my oils before the lye is added. I would ask what temps you are soaping at, what is the lye concentration, and what EO's are you using?
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    MAC Pigments to colour

    Disclaimer: I have never purchased Mac cosmetics so I am not familiar with their ingredients. That being said, Skin safe does not always = soap safe. They may or may not be stable in the high alkaline environment of cp or hp soap, and if they are not pure pigments, the colors might...
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    Free to any home

    Styrofoam and fo's are a no-no. Maybe post the name of the supplier to see if anyone else has any feedback on their fo's. One of the reasons why I do hp is that I never have to worry about siezures separations etc. Drawback is you can't get the beautiful swirls that you can get in cp.
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    Santa Will Bring Me Some Molds: Which Ones Are Worth?

    I got these ones from WSP: And this person on Etsy sells these dividers that fit the molds from WSP and ED to do mantra swirl etc: Here's a video...
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    Free to any home

    LOL! sorry for your troubles though. I would take them for a couple of days but we have 2 cats and I'm not sure how they would all get along.
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    Please Help!!!

    without seeing your entire recipe, it's hard what to suggest. Please post your recipe.
  10. X

    How do you wrap soap for gifts

    I can think of lots of ways to wrap soaps. Scrapbook paper, holiday fabric, coffee filters (looks especially great on puck shaped soap. Labels can be easily made in MS word, open office or paint. Do a google search for packaging for handmade soap and you will get lots of ideas. :-D
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    Can I use styrofoam cups for swirling?

    Ahhh, yes, solvents. Here is a demonstration on how EO's react with Styrofoam: Just watching that is enough for me to not want to use styrofoam in my soaping. It's either stainless steel or glass for me (or my ceramic crock pot LOL)...
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    Can I use styrofoam cups for swirling?

    hmmm, well I thought at one point I had read something somewhere about that, but I am old and forgetful LOL! Could have had something to do with straight EO's or FO's. dissolving Styrofoam.
  13. X

    Releasing soap from PvC mold?

    I use non stick cooking spray to keep my soap from sticking to my mylar mold liners. You could also cut and bend mylar sheets to line the PVC with. I got my mylar sheets at JoAnn Fabric store in the quilting section. It's relatively inexpensive.
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    First big error

    Smee, As long as the soap is still usable, you can't count it as a disaster LOL! Just wait till you get the most beautiful swirl EVER, and whilst you are doing your clean up you find the fo/eo that you measured out for this batch, but promptly left out of the soap. then you have to mix...
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    New Coconut Oil

    I cannot open it either.
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    Lavender Buds Question

    No matter if you add them in cp or after the cook in hp, they will turn brown. I agree, whole lavender buds look like mouse poop in soap. Ground buds only in soap, or sprinkle them on top.
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    Can I use styrofoam cups for swirling?

    Nope I wouldn't. Raw traced soap still has very active lye and would react with the Styrofoam.
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    50/50 OO/lard?

    I have done a 50/50 lard/olive. It wasn't really slimy that I remember. I would however suggest the addition of about 5% castor oil. It will give you a bit more lather without being drying, and you could also add 5% shea butter or cocoa butter. Either one of those will help ward off any...
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    time for another round. Thoughts?

    Yep, that is plenty cleansing. Especially with the addition of castor oil, you will have plenty of fluffy bubbles. :-) I also can't go that high in cleansing. My skin is sensitive so I have to keep my coconut and or palm kernel low. Over 10% total, and my skin itches. :-(