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  1. JustBeachy

    Let's tell a story....

    Santa notated which
  2. JustBeachy

    Lard soap

    Omg, we're being invaded by the lard movement! Just some quick facts: It's almost been proven, although with lots of shadow of a doubt, that lard is the leading cause of the flu! 1 out of 10 doctors believe that lard leads directly to male pattern baldness in underweight hamsters! Volunteers...
  3. JustBeachy

    OK another one - Black Pepper EO or FO?

    I tried a cheap Black Pepper once, and found out why it was so cheap. It's an expensive item to distill. But the good news is, a little of the good EO's go a long way.
  4. JustBeachy

    Let's tell a story....

    home for Christmas
  5. JustBeachy

    Gotta Love the Hubby who....

    Haha, I knew I liked you! I'm German and Czech. The Czech, (mom's side) of the family came to the US, just two generations ago. My mom says the recipe we use has been a family secret for as far back as they can remember. Apparently grandma's side was known for their kolaches, Grandpa's side was...
  6. JustBeachy

    Gotta Love the Hubby who....

    I'm hopping in the truck now! With traffic, I think I can still be there before Christmas. :) I love cooking. Thinking it has a lot of similarity's with soap making. Different amounts of ingredients. Tweaking recipes to find that perfect sauce. Baking as well, though about all I ever bake is...
  7. JustBeachy

    Can't unmold soap

    I use beeswax at 1% in all my soaps, except salt bars. There are some portion of it that doesn't saponify, but at this percentage it really doesn't add much conditioning to the soap, in my opinion. I use it for it's ability to produce a hardening and longer lasting effect to the bar. I've...
  8. JustBeachy

    Gotta Love the Hubby who....

    Sounds like your house would be a great place to visit this Christmas! :)
  9. JustBeachy

    Two Salt Soaps from this weekend

    Thanks, I definitely like the dark blue I finally accomplished. I think the fact that all my blues kept washing out, made me go a little crazy with the ITP swirl though. It's a busy little soap. :)
  10. JustBeachy

    Pouring mix then "gelling/setting" - what is your process?

    I would have to agree with the coconut FO's, fading and also add, that they can heat up pretty quick as well. Last Coconut soap, I had to pull it out of the oven in 25 mins, cause it was gelling. :)
  11. JustBeachy

    Castor Oil Substitution

    Well, actually, you could find the answers about curing here. In at least a hundred different posts. As well as great advice on all the aspects of starting and running a soaping business. But to maybe clarify a bit as to this post. I believe you said, "I'll be darned but I sold each and every...
  12. JustBeachy

    Pouring mix then "gelling/setting" - what is your process?

    To answer some of your questions. Too high of a temperature can lead to an overheated soap. Volcano's, separation, cracks and trips to the re batching station. Too low of a temperature can lead to Gel rings and soaps that just take a bit longer to process. I'm not one of those that has been...
  13. JustBeachy

    Allergies and why soap should be labeled

    While I side completely with the "less big brother is always a great thing", the talk I've heard from some mid to large soaping operations, is more legislation/enforcement is coming.
  14. JustBeachy

    Latest salt soap

    I agree, and it's a bar that seems to vary so much with individual soap makers, using basically the same ingredients. Carolyn has avocado inhibiting lather, jade has shea, that doesn't lather. Mine have both shea and avocado and they lather like a dream. :) Same with the sweating issue, some...
  15. JustBeachy

    Two Salt Soaps from this weekend

    Thanks. It's funny, for the last few months I was doing swirling experiments and tying to find effects I could easily reproduce. It's brought me more into a minimalist approach, I think. Like you, I like the looks of the first one better. At first cut, I though the second one looked cool, but...
  16. JustBeachy

    Two Salt Soaps from this weekend

    Well after getting attacked in the shower by the medium grain salt bar, I now use a fine grain sea salt. :) These are made with plain Morton's Non Iodized Fine Sea Salt.
  17. JustBeachy

    Let's tell a story....

    the silent night
  18. JustBeachy

    HP soap love. Show yours!

    Well that was worth the wait. Great looking soap.
  19. JustBeachy

    HP soap love. Show yours!

    I was gonna say, that soap looks so white, I can't even see it against the background. :)
  20. JustBeachy

    Soapy dreams for 2015???

    Continue working on a future product line. Concentrating on completing a list of scent blends. Also need to nail down tanning oil, perfect my after sun cream, and finalize a cleansing conditioner. Also, in the name of science, plan on going to the beach at least once a month, once it warms...