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  1. L

    Olive vs avocado in CP

    My favorite soaps all have avacado oil in them. I buy mine at Costco for 9-10 $ for a good size bottle, Grocery outlet has it for 14 same size bottle.
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    It works! Removing Soda Ash

    My husband likes the ash, said it looks like frosting.. LOL gotta love him..
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    Goat/cow milk soap. Need help.

    I use 100% goat milk for water, freeze in cubes, then make sure they are melted a bit for when I start adding the lye, I put my bowl in my sink with some ice water to keep it nice and cool. I get the lye disolved with no problems, it stays cool, if I don't use a discoloring fragrance it stays...
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    goat milk "animal" smell

    If the jar smelled goaty, they must be a cleanliness issue. I don't touch my bucks when in rut if I can avoid it, you can't get rid of that smell until a full wash on everything. I can't imagine Alpines having bad milk, I have one girl and her milk is wonderful, bet it is uncleanliness and...
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    When will my luck change

    Ick, I know all about stress and worry, one thing I have found after having it hammered into my brain by some family I have is "always believe something great is going to happen, spend time thinking about what your perfect solution is and believe it is going to happen" it may not be in your...
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    goat milk "animal" smell

    My bucks and does share the fence line, no smell or taste in my milk. All my friends drink it and not one person has anything but high praise for our milk. They can't believe how great it is. When I have extra people are begging for. One lady moved to another state, when she came back to...
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    goat milk "animal" smell

    That I don't know, my Nubians have pretty rich milk, one of their attractions. I don't care to drink it like that either. ICK! But my girls have me spoiled.
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    goat milk "animal" smell

    They sound like they very well could be toggs, they are know for strong flavored (goaty in my book) milk. Some like it for cheese making, no thanks I will use my fresh yummy milk. I know all toggs are not like that but it is a possibility with his.
  9. L

    goat milk "animal" smell

    Ick! Does he raise toggenburgs by chance? My girls give me fantastic milk, sweet and creamy with no bad smells or tastes, well except one time when they ran out of minerals, that is another cause of goaty milk. Goats have a high need for specific minerals and if they are lacking the milk is...
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    Using goats milk

    I freeze my goat milk in ice cube trays, one time I didn't get to making soap when I first froze my milk so it sat in the freezer for who knows how long before I made soap again. I noticed when I was taking the cubes from the trays that it seemed the tops were somewhat thicker, like it had...
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    SMF Soap Making Challenge: September Discoloring FO

    I am so jealous of all these beautiful soaps! I must know what you use for color. I try to keep mine pretty natural and use things like rose clay for a pink color but even that if I get it too dark turns my bubbles and rag colors. What type of colorants do you use that don't stain your wash...
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    Using grated soap in new soap

    Perfect! Thank you so much, can't wait for the weekend so I can give it a try.
  13. L

    Using grated soap in new soap

    I grated up a bunch of ends and pieces and ugly bars to put in new soap but I'm not sure how to do that.. Do you make your regular soap and add the grates to the batter or put them in the log and pour new soap over it. If you add to the soap pot does it mix in and can you pour it into the...
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    Dandelions all over the place - swaying waiting to be made into soap

    Just stuff left over in the sink you need to clean out. I live in the country and don't want any more in my septic system than necessary, and also don't want to have to clean the debrie out after I use the soap. Just wondering if anyone takes issue with that. Some of those soaps are so...
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    Dandelions all over the place - swaying waiting to be made into soap

    Do you have issues with "stuff" in your sink when you use soap with non soap ingredients? They are so pretty but I wonder about the remains.. LOL
  16. L

    Salt Soap info wanted

    Grumpy! very pretty salt bars! I bet they smell fantastic! I used a honeysuckle scent with mine, smelled ok from the bottle, but changed in the soap, not sure I am crazy about the smell but they still feel good. I see more salt soap in my future.
  17. L

    Salt Soap info wanted

    At 15% superfat don't think I will bother with zap testing. I gave an ugly one a trial run this morning, feels really good and my hands are not dry at all, I like it. Thanks for all the help peoples...
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    Salt Soap info wanted

    Here it is, my first attempt. Pretty much plain jane in color, a little black is all.
  19. L

    Salt Soap info wanted

    So my salt soap is in the curing process, I just have a couple more questions. Is there a longer recommended cure time for salt soap? With all the salt is it more drying than non salt soap? Can't wait to try it out, looks pretty cool.
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    Potato soap update

    I'm in Southern Idaho, I may have to make a potato soap. Thanks, as was already stated, I needed something else to try, now that I finally made a salt soap....which I think is awesome...