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  1. G

    Weights & Measures

    Were about in the UK I am from london
  2. G

    Playing with soap balls - Take 2

    I tend to use lay flat tubing that way I get a even soap rod but the soap does look wonderful:p
  3. G

    My First Groupie Soaps

    I know that the soaps are awe aspiring but would you use them? In the real world
  4. G

    Weights & Measures

    Were do you operate from?
  5. G

    Weights & Measures

    That is one reason I sell by the slice and yes they are right secondly the weight must not be less than that stated on the label as far as your cakes are concerned you just need them labeled not a food product
  6. G

    Low sweat mp base formula

    Just one question how much do you guys make at a time because I go through a high kilo rate this Xmas sold 500 kg of made soap
  7. G

    Low sweat mp base formula

    Thank you
  8. G

    Low sweat mp base formula

    What is the name of the book would love to make my own nase
  9. G

    Fishy Melt and Pour

    Were do you get the embedds from I tried here in England and the are hard to find please help
  10. G

    Why the hostility from cold and hot process soapers? A brief encounter

    Lin when you make a cookes do you get all the stuff and make from scratch or use a pre made dough and then say I made them. Same as m&p it is and I use the word hand crafted not home made. If lush use words like fresh and they also make m&p which they market as handmade please end this topic now...
  11. G

    Why the hostility from cold and hot process soapers? A brief encounter

    You are right to a degree I use the handcrafted because I made it and crafted the design same as someone making cookies from a ready mix but let's not fight over wording but have fun
  12. G

    Why the hostility from cold and hot process soapers? A brief encounter

    I make mp soap and would like to see cp's do the same design work all it comes down to is marketing everything has it's place and who is to say no is not soap or handmade it does not make it's self
  13. G

    Simple white soap, cake soap, and cupcakes

    Does the cupcake not melt with the co pipeing
  14. G

    Acne Soap

    I use the same resipe bit add seaweed and tea tree eo to the soap Sent from my HTC Desire S using Soap Making mobile app
  15. G

    First batch failure

    Mo should be done in 30 sec bursts and keep the temp as low as posd Sent from my HTC Desire S using Soap Making mobile app
  16. G

    Crisp 'N Dry

    Under what name do you put it into soapcalc Sent from my HTC Desire S using Soap Making mobile app
  17. G

    First Pine Tar - interesting

    Can you use neem powder instead? Sent from my HTC Desire S using Soap Making mobile app
  18. G

    Melt and pour nettle soap

    I make nettle soap with fo or eo and all my customers say it works but only co not m&p Sent from my HTC Desire S using Soap Making mobile app
  19. G

    First batch failure

    Was it melt and pour or co with m&p just remelt with co you have have to rebatch Sent from my HTC Desire S using Soap Making mobile app