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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Fenchurch

    Hi there!

    Thanks, IrishLass, for your welcome! I love the soaps in your profile picture! 💖 Happy bubbles! Stéphanie
  2. Fenchurch

    Other hobbies.

    ... and of landscapes... Have a nice end of week-end! Happy Bubbles, Stéphanie
  3. Fenchurch

    Other hobbies.

    I also try to take pictures.... of animals...
  4. Fenchurch

    Other hobbies.

    Here is again an interesting thread, besides soaping :) I sew a little:
  5. Fenchurch

    Zany's no slime castile

    Well, I guess it's also because Marseilles, were Castille soap originally comes from, is on the seaside, so they could have water (even if sea water) for free. 😅😆 Happy Bubbles, Stéphanie
  6. Fenchurch

    Basic trinity of oils starter formula

    I'm happy I was already using this tip! Thanks, it helps checking whether I'm doing right or not! Happy Bubbles to all of you, Stéphanie
  7. Fenchurch

    Hi there!

    Thank you for this warm welcome!😊 Happy bubbles! Stéphanie
  8. Fenchurch

    non-tropical oils, animal-free soap recipes

    Well NOW I'm confused! 😆 (To) wax, or not (to) wax, that is the question... Happy bubbles! Stéphanie
  9. Fenchurch

    non-tropical oils, animal-free soap recipes

    Well thank you 😅 , though I don't think I deserve all the praise!... I have a habbit of reading a lot before going into something, that and youtube are a hell of a help for beginners. But from the start I wanting to use my own recipes because I like to understand how things work. That kept me...
  10. Fenchurch

    non-tropical oils, animal-free soap recipes

    Yes, French producers are proud of their Camargue rice :D . Non-GMO Soybean is also prodiced in the South West of France, so I could use it too. Yeah, I'll check for French soybean wax. AS I hadn't hear of soybean WAX, I just don't know for sure. THANKS for these thoughts, and thanks for the...
  11. Fenchurch

    non-tropical oils, animal-free soap recipes

    Owwww I hadn't thought of THAT! Of course it will not saponify.... As I'm on the safe side, I always ALSO use lye discount AND added oils for superfat. So I guess this batch is rather 5% superfat than 9% I usually aim at! Roger that. Thanks again for this information! 👍 Happy bubbles! Stéphanie
  12. Fenchurch

    non-tropical oils, animal-free soap recipes

    OK, thanks for this information. As I knew it was naturally formed during saponification, I thought it was safe that I use it as superfat for its properties for the skin. Yes, I got it all very well mixed, I dissolved the water and sugar in the water I used for the lye solution. They were well...
  13. Fenchurch

    Hi there!

    Merci pour le nom du fil de discussion sur les autres loisirs ! J'y jetterai un oeil avec plaisir! 私も日本語が少し話せますよ!これはとても面白い言語ですね! And I've also begun Russian and Polish but for now cannot go beyond weird sentences such as "my little fish wears a yellow jacket"! 🤪 I guess I'm lacking time to fit...
  14. Fenchurch

    Hi there!

    owww thanks for this lovely welcome. 😚 I've checked the rules for participating in challenges. I guess the number of messages will not be an issue, even if NOT posting one-words messages :p Maybe I'll be within the rules for June challenge, but I don't think my level in soap making will be high...
  15. Fenchurch

    non-tropical oils, animal-free soap recipes

    Owww that's lovely! Thank you! Thanks for this information and for the link! I'll read it soon. Wow. That goes beyond what I was expecting, as insights and advice go... And yeaaaaah I toyed with the idea of Ricinus growing in the Mediterranean climate to bend my rules with it. 😅 Strangely, I...
  16. Fenchurch

    Hi there!

    Hi there! I'm sorry I somehow managed not to see this introduction forum... Please accept my apologies! I'm Stéphanie and I live in France. I've begun soapmaking last fall and had a break during winter due to other occupations - I'm what is called, I've heard, a multipotentialite. I'm also fond...
  17. Fenchurch

    The word association game

  18. Fenchurch

    Different soap/lye calculators

    Measurement of lye can vary because of the saponification index or the oils: different sources (references) will provide different values for a same given oil. One reason is that it really varies according to the variety of the plant that provides the oil, or the time it was harvested etc. and...
  19. Fenchurch

    non-tropical oils, animal-free soap recipes

    Hi there! I'm a beginner soaper, but I like to challenge myself in pretty everything I do. Though my first recipes included coconut oil and/or shea butter, I've tried a recipe with non-tropical oils are they are not local for me. Here are recipes matching (more or less :( ) these constraints...
  20. Fenchurch

    Cheap beginner molds-what are yours?

    I use basic cooking silicone molds for bars and individual molds, pringles & co tubes, and also a plastic-lined cubic box previously used for cheese delivery. I line it with cooking paper though, and use it for slab soap. I'm hoping for my lover to make me a wooden mold to be lined up with...