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  1. P

    Summer Lip Balm`- Beeswax Percentage

    Throw some candelilia wax in there - hardens it up nicely.
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    Liquid soap with NaOH???

    Seawolfe, you want non-sequential bills? I'll meet you in the back alley to get those "seekrit ingrdientz" :)
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    I forgot to spray the soap with alcohol

    Sometimes, with a swirl top, it actually looks good :)
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    Curious - Why the general negative impressions for ED?

    I've never purchased from them, but I got my general impression about them from the Alabama woman, too. I'd never heard of ED until I ran across her. Her claims make people so angry that there was a group of them with a website and FB page trying to get rid of her. They weren't right, in the way...
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    Butters/Exotics/Additives in CP soap - what works vs what doesn't?

    I tend to use almond, sunflower or rice bran at 10% in every batch. I will also use one of those in combination with a mango, shea or cocoa butter. While I would probably not be able to tell which oil or butter is in a particular soap in the shower - over time I can tell the difference if I'm...
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    KOH Supplier

    I used to only get my lye from him, but the shipping was killing me :( Down here in Texas.
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    KOH Supplier

    I got mine at Voyager, and there's a small charge because they are in Canada. But, I just bought a little 2 pounder while I learn this liquid soap thingy.
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    Love's Baby Soft dupe

    Our local department store had an entire counter devoted to LBS - back in '80-81. Gah! But, we love-loved it. Plus it was pink. How could you not :)
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    Love's Baby Soft dupe

    Not sure if anyone cares about this scent, but I just noticed this thread again and I did find one that's close. "Children's Room" from NG is not bad at all. It seized pretty bad, but I threw the mess in the crockpot and all was well. Just thought I'd update in case anybody is looking to head...
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    Newbie LS ?

    Irish Lass, Thank you for getting back to me! I went back, and, to my second try at the paste, did the 75% dilution with SL (I so love that stuff :) ) and it's much more workable than the first paste - that one must just not be as good. That's a good thickness for pump bottles, I think. So your...
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    Newbie LS ?

    So you're saying, just one dilution. Pick your consistency and do it in one shot. Does anybody "cure" their LS? I cure HP, but it's usually not drying, even right out of the pot. My tests are all coming out "drying" - but I don't know if that's just me. DH says it doesn't feel drying, but he...
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    Newbie LS ?

    Just started my foray into liquid soap this weekend. I am using Irish Lass' (I believe it's hers, please excuse me if I'm wrong) directions for the glycerin method - the one where you mix up the paste and let it sit overnight. I got that part. All is going great there. Second try at the paste...
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    Body Butter Greasiness

    It's the coconut. If you want to keep it, you can try adding a titch of arrowroot powder or 3-5% Isopropyl Myristate
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    Natures Garden

    I love NG, but had been hoping to switch over to them for the few scents I get from WSP - unfortunately, their versions of the ones I was looking to replace didn't measure up, but their selection is still great and I use them about 80% of the time. I also use them for sodium hydroxide - way...
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    Joke-Gone-Awry soap

    I just recently used that FO myself and got pretty much the same 50/50 on what it actually smells like. The people who said it DOES smell like weed are my weed-smoking friends, LOL.
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    Outdoor Craftshow

    A big fan! And a cooler.
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    "What scent would you recommend?"

    Gah! I hate that one. I've spent more time handing over bars of soap for people to sniff, just for them to say "no", instead of them just picking up the bar themselves. I don't understand people sometimes. But, yeah, it helps if they can answer nebetmiw's question :)
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    Researching before making soap:)

    It does have an impact though. I sell in person in a relatively small circle and have bumped up across many people who will say to me "I don't like handmade soap; it makes my skin feel dry". I've spent a lot of time, breath and free samples gaining customers who've had a bad experience with...
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    The Lye Guy Bottles

    Another one here - I give the bottles a swipe with the dryer sheet - no problems.
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    looking for HP help!

    If it's what I'm picturing in my head, this warping, I'd say it is the liquid evaporating out of your bars. After planing, maybe the evaporation speeds up unevenly? Just a guess. Maybe you could try not planing them until they are more cured out - say 4-6 weeks? Someone else may have a better...