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  1. S

    Any thoughts on this recipe??

    Thanks! I'm excited to try again. I really appreciate your help!
  2. S

    oils separating from each other??

    I made some whipped shea recently and I noticed that it separated over a period of a month or so (the oil separated from the shea). I'm wondering, aside from improving the recipe, is there anything that helps oils/butters stay emulsified (if that's even the right word)? Is there an ingredient...
  3. S

    Any thoughts on this recipe??

    Thanks for the input - I'll try again, maybe with some other oils. Although, I'm doing an experiment right now to see if it's the new face wash I made that's causing the problem (it may be that and not the moisturizer). I wonder if my face wash is too mild and not cleansing enough. We'll see...
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    Any thoughts on this recipe??

    Hi, all! I was wondering if I could get some input on this recipe. I got it off Swiftcraftymonkey's site. It's for a facial lotion. My skin loves it in terms of moisturizing, but I'm noticing after a week of using this that my skin is threatening to break out a little bit. I was thinking perhaps...
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    ban on bath salts?

    LOL!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I hope I remember that line if anyone ever acts that rudely towards me!
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    Seaweed Bath – A Unique Way to Detoxify Your Body

    Spam! I hate spam! :evil:
  7. S

    Is there any saving these bath "tabs"???

    Hiya! I've made a few batches of bath bombs and had good success (though there were little things I fixed along the way. I used oils and epsom salts. I really liked them. Last night, I decided to try the "stress tabs" kit I bought off of WSP. I'm not into kits normally, but I thought I'd try...
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    How long do you wait to try your soap?

    I wait 4 weeks at least. I make so much now that I have plenty of other soaps to use up (usually about 10 to 12 on the bathroom counter).
  9. S

    My first batch! With more pics than you could ever want!

    Yes, great job! I love the way the cocoa swirls came out. That soap looks almost edible :-)
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    Natural or Not?

    That cracked me up, Kelleyaynn!! :D :D
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    Made three batches of Soap today PICS ADDED

    I really like your color scheme - there's a consistency in the tones of all three. And that monkey farts fragrance cracks me up!
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    Natural or Not?

    Thanks, Jerry! Nice to know someone gets where I'm coming from. I happen to be a vegetarian (pescetarian, to be exact), so I don't use animal fat, but that's just me. I don't begrudge anyone for using it. As for chemicals being natural, you're right. I think that's a legitimate point. I'm all...
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    Natural or Not?

    I was just reading something on another post about how someone wanted to make all natural soap, but has given in to their desire to have a really cool color, so they're going to use an artificial dye. It made me laugh because I totally relate - and then some! I started out thinking I'd just...
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    I can't live without pink soap any longer

    Love the bubble gum soap! Which FO are you using (and from what supplier)? Sounds yummy!
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    My Honey Oatmeal Soap

    Off topic - JackiK, your dog is adorable!
  16. S

    Where to purchase D-Limonene in the US?

    Thanks. I had a really hard time finding anyone here that sold small amounts. Even 16 oz for $25 (shipped) is too much, but it may be the best I can do.
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    Where to purchase D-Limonene in the US?

    Hi, all. I'd like to purchase a small amount of D-Limonene, but I can't find any small quantity suppliers in the US. There's one in Canada that sells small amounts, but I'd like to try to find something in the US. Anybody have any thoughts? Thanks!
  18. S

    What colorants can I use in sugar scrubs?

    I would say, go with Lab Colors. I have used Micas and found it to be messy and weird. It didn't stain the tub, because I was using the scrub while showering, so it was being rinsed. Still, it was creepy to see the color coming out so much - like i had spilled some eye shadow in the shower.
  19. S

    whipped shea butter

    There's room for variation here, but I make a whipped butter that's 80% shea, 20% oil (I've tried various oils) and a little cornstarch (I forget how much exactly). This sounds similar. i find that mine is a little harder than I'd like it to be, so it's possible it might be better with less shea...
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    Website advice please? Traffic but no sales!

    I really like the site design - I like the colors, the way it all comes together. I even like the way the tabs at the top move. Overall, I think the design works well and looks professional. On the down side, I read your home page, which mentions hair care products, but could not find any on...