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  1. green soap

    this year Mardi Gras soap challenge

    No negative at all newbie, just clarifying for those new to salt soaps NOT to use coarse crystals (see the thread 'salt soap attacks' ...LOL). I grind the salt just because I got a really good deal on the blocks, it is a bit of a pain, I'll admit. Grinding coarse to fine is pretty easy...
  2. green soap

    this year Mardi Gras soap challenge

    Thank you newbie I love the look of the bowl! I just wanted to clarify that I do not use coarse salt ever, neither sea salt nor himalayan. I buy some of my salt in coarse crystals, but run them trough a mill to get them really fine. I get my himalayan salt in big blocks, and I pound them...
  3. green soap

    this year Mardi Gras soap challenge

    Thanks for all the kind words. It is a salt soap! tricky to make. Different color absorptions with different percentages of salt give the look of holiday lights.
  4. green soap

    this year Mardi Gras soap challenge

    Every year I make soap in purple, green, and gold to be cured by January 6th. As usual these are created with botanical colors and scented with essential oils (lime, lemongrass, spearmint, basil, petitgrain and coriander). For the colors I used infused alkanet root, infused calendula petals...
  5. green soap

    When Soap goes BAD...omg

    This happened to me but it was even worse, since the soap smelled burnt. There was nothing I could do, the only soap that ever ended up in the trash right away (other than soap with dOS but this takes a bit longer...). This is how I make my honey oatmeal soaps now: I dissolve the honey I...
  6. green soap

    Natural colorants for kids soap

    The yellows are all from ground calendula petals, greens from indigo and/or calendula, purple from infused alkanet root. Some also use rose clay and bentonite clay.
  7. green soap

    Requirements for craft fairs and markets

    It depends on a lot of things including your state - county - city regulations. You should ask the event organizers what documentation you need if any. If the event is 'private' chances are you don't need anything, but it is best to ask.
  8. green soap

    What does your house smell like right now?

    So cliche......but it smells like roasting winter squash! just got a buttercup squash out of the oven. Ready to add sugar, coconut oil, cinnamon, cane syrup, cardamom, clove, and a little salt. It is about to smell even better!!!!!
  9. green soap

    FL laws on handcrafted cosmetics?

    We have had a similar food cottage law in California for the last year or so. It was started by a local baker. It was completely grassroots, and it passed. I guess this would be YES! It would be good to address whatever concerns prompted the added regulations.
  10. green soap

    FL laws on handcrafted cosmetics?

    Thanks so much new12soap, this is the kind of information we were looking for.
  11. green soap

    FL laws on handcrafted cosmetics?

    So people make lip balm just for their personal and family use? can you export or you have to make them in another state?
  12. green soap

    FL laws on handcrafted cosmetics?

    I might move across the pond and one of my sisters has an interest in continuing the business I started. However, she lives across the continent in the beautiful state of Florida. I make soaps, but also: lip balms solid lotion bars massage oils...and a few other items. She likes the...
  13. green soap

    Adding Essential Oils -- Calculation and Timing

    Essential oils do not saponify, so they are not included with the bulk oils.
  14. green soap

    Weird Things You Say

    The other day I did a 'Celine swirl' on a vanilla chocolate marble cake. Weirder even is that when I mentioned it, DH knew exactly what I was talking about.
  15. green soap

    Is it possible to find essentials oils in local stores?

    What is local to me could be exotic to you? but I have found tea tree EO at Trader Joes for a reasonable price.
  16. green soap

    Soapmaker's Soap?

    I use my own hand soap (kitchen and garden soap) which has different levels of scrubby and deodorizing.
  17. green soap


    No do not count the essential oil in the lye calculation. Essential oils do not saponify. They are oils, but not triglycerides.
  18. green soap

    Poll: Which of the following is your least favorite when soaping?

    My least favorite know when you are weighing the coconut oil and just realize you don't have enough? then open another 35 or 50 lb pail which requires a special too, where did I put that tool? in the meantime I better write down how much CO is in there, cause the scale will go...
  19. green soap

    When to add EOs and/or SF to LS?

    I don't super fat my liquid soap. I add essential oils when the temperature of the diluted LS is just below the flashpoint of each EO. Sometimes I get less picky and add them together, below the lowest flashpoint temperature.
  20. green soap

    garden abundance

    I have not had too much troubles with birds eating the tomatoes but I think it is worth a try!