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  1. K

    Vitamin in in Whipped Body Butter

    I make mine with over 50% butters, rest CO, SAO and glycerine. I add both IPM (which I learnt from Shunt, so thank you Shunt!) and corn starch. I melt my butters and CO, mix in the rest in and put it in the fridge with a spatula in the bowl. I go in after 30 min and scrape the bowl to get...
  2. K

    Where to buy bulk soy wax?

    Have no idea how economical this is but here is a source
  3. K

    Tops flattening when insulated

    I agree with everything that's said. I will add though, that if you use enough water discount and mix to a thick trace (which I do most of the time, I'm just SB happy that way) you may be able to save your tops while still avoiding the risk of partial gel with uninsulated batter.
  4. K

    Anybody make 4 or 5 lb recipes?

    I agree with Shari. Also, sometimes I use my SS mixing bowl, don't know where my husband bought it but it's a single piece, not part of a set. Its narrow at the bottom so my batter comes up high enough to completely submerge the bell of my immersion blender.
  5. K

    Official entry thread: SMF Soap Making Challenge October: Hidden Feather Swirl

    Here is my entry Oh, now it's upside down.
  6. K

    Official entry thread: SMF Soap Making Challenge October: Hidden Feather Swirl

    Here is my entry. It's decent enough that I thought of entering it. Mine is modeled after the most beautiful feather known, the peacock feather. I know my swirl is nothing like it, the blue eye got squished totally. Ok, it's not uploading my photos, I will try again after sometime. ETA: still...
  7. K

    How long should a bar of soap last?

    My soap definitely lasts longer than that avian soap, typically 3 weeks for a full bar and one friend who uses soap only with a bath puff complains that it lasts forever. Hubby on the other hand uses them up really fast even with showering just once a day, they last more like 10 days to 2 weeks...
  8. K

    SMF Soap Making Challenge October: Hidden Feather Swirl

    I just looked on Amazon, and found that they range from 6" to 24" in size, so do you just buy the longest ones and mould them to the size you need?
  9. K

    SMF Soap Making Challenge October: Hidden Feather Swirl

    Oh, I miss not_ally, she always calls me K! Wonder why she's not dropping in to post something :(.
  10. K

    December Challenge Equipment

    Ooh, I will be in India this December and if my family doesn't consume all of my time I'm planning to soap there even if it's just to show my mom how it's done and I'm also interested in researching the kind of supplies available to soapers there. I'm guessing a lot of CO, refined sunflower and...
  11. K

    SMF Soap Making Challenge October: Hidden Feather Swirl

    Finally, I made my soap for the challenge:). But I really think it's going to be a flop because I didn't have a proper hanger tool. Will have to wait and see. I blended some colors and got the shades I wanted, made several layers in spite of the thick trace, basically spooned in all the layers...
  12. K

    SMF Soap Making Challenge October: Hidden Feather Swirl

    Today I made myself a T&S mold and dividers out of a corrugated plastic sheet. I have everything planned in my mind. Hopefully I get the time to get everything ready and have a go at it. Shooting for tonight, if not tomorrow morning.
  13. K

    Coffee EO

    Are you opposed to using FOs? I might not use them for myself, at least not in the winter as I'm discovering that when compared to EO soaps, FO soap batches with same recipes otherwise are a bit drying to my skin. If you have no reservations about artificial fragrances, you will be able to get...
  14. K

    Positive Feedback!

    That's exactly how I felt one week ago when my mom, after using my soaps for the past 4-5 months finally realized that they were keeping her skin healthy sans any other maintenance and asked me to bring some soaps to her when I visit on my next trip to India. Until then she gave me neither yay...
  15. K

    Yellow dock root?

    Here is a thread with some info
  16. K

    Soap ok for eczema/psoriasis

    Peanut oil has to be a big no no unless you know every person who is going to use that soap has no peanut allergies. I have a long answer shaping up about the rest but I have to wait until this work at hand is done. I'm sure more people will chime in.
  17. K

    Coffee EO

    But as HSC already mixed the EO with oils it would be counter productive to go the HP route now, wouldn't it? I'm sure you missed that point in that post, but just wanted to make sure HSC knows this and doesn't go burning off that precious EO in HP.
  18. K

    Coffee EO

    My coffee bar was scented with 0.5oz ppo of a coffee FO and it smells quite nice, but EOs take much higher usage rate to scent a batch and stick. I use most EOs at 0.7 to 1.0oz ppo, individual or as a blend. You might just need to up your EO amount and yes it's going to cost even more.
  19. K

    Whipped body butter - popular scents?

    A delicate rose will feel special especially since there is no risk of scent morphing on you. Kids love cocoa scent from the CB.