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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. grumpy_owl

    Celine swirl

    I'm old, lenarenee
  2. grumpy_owl

    Celine swirl

    I wanted to do a pretty two-color swirl, and found the fabulous Celine swirl online. She is very talented. After some Googling and links, I saw many posters saying it was harder than she made it look, but I found it very easy. The yellowy part of the soap is actually quite white IRL--the light...
  3. grumpy_owl

    two recipes; one soap

    Thank you so much! I have masterbatched my oils and will deal with the lye if there's time before I get into my costume and go celebrate Mardi Gras (yes, I soap on Mardi Gras; welcome to the painful world of addiction). I'm just hoping the bottom layer doesn't set up too hard while I'l SBing the...
  4. grumpy_owl

    two recipes; one soap

    Kayso, I want to make a nice gentle facial bar, colored with clay, with a really white top, and as my olive oil keeps turning uncolored batter a sickly yellow, I was thinking of doing an 80% lard/20% coconut oil 1-pound recipe to do the tops, to be layered on the colored soap. If that makes...
  5. grumpy_owl

    Post you ugly soap pics here - Troubleshooting thread

    Thank you, newbie. I'm extremely frugal--okay, cheap--and hate to waste soap. Also, this may be my favorite scent combination ever. It really reminds me of my dancing youth--the rosin and rose and sweat and general perfumyness of young ladies.
  6. grumpy_owl

    Post you ugly soap pics here - Troubleshooting thread

    Made lemonade from pork-fat lemons. Meet Boudoir, girly-smelling sexy dark rose soaps with a copper fleur de lis. No fatty residue!
  7. grumpy_owl

    Post you ugly soap pics here - Troubleshooting thread

    Ballerina soap fail, part deux. The pink turned the muddy rose-ochre of bad ham and the tops look like hard yellow rinds of fat. Fatty ham soaps! Not the delicate satin slipper color I imagined. No, I haven't had the heart to do a third try.
  8. grumpy_owl

    What sells best?

    I think it depends where you live and who your customer is, SoapBro. For me, cute designs and fun names that relate to my city sell well, because I sell in shops frequented by tourists. They won't be back; they don't follow up and buy my stuff online. All they do is bring home a pretty soap as a...
  9. grumpy_owl

    Christmas 2015

    Relle, you are either a demon prodding us with a pitchfork to the butt or an angel of inspiration. Either way, I'm plotting my Enchanted Forest soap now. Darn you! Soapers live in the future, but ironically cut their soaps too early. :)
  10. grumpy_owl

    Hard to make plain soap?

    Interesting? Not exactly. I find it very understandable. As far as why, because we are always challenging ourselves, pushing ourselves, trying new things and learning, and also, soap envy is very real. Just a glance through the "Browsing Soap Pics" thread could give anyone...
  11. grumpy_owl

    What have I done?

    I don't have a crockpot so I thought I'd grate it down. It wasn't even close to hard when I scooped it out--you can see the bits still gelling. And that color! I have no idea what it will look like when it's cured but I guarantee it will be ugly. Maybe lustre black will hide my sins? Just a...
  12. grumpy_owl

    What have I done?

    And here's what I did with it after 1) I used a mica that turned gray instead of pink, 2) it cracked in its gel station and 3) I needed the mold to make it again. The funny (funniest?) part is I literally had a dream last night in which I made soap and forgot to put it in a mold, and came back...
  13. grumpy_owl

    What have I done?

    Thank you. That makes me feel much better! I actually did increase superfat, but only to 6%. I wanted a gentle bar but it's very cleansy, isn't it? Too late now--in for a penny, in for 3 pounds of oils.
  14. grumpy_owl

    What have I done?

    I formulated or found this recipe, or patched it together from various ideas. Frankly, I have no idea where this cockamamie formula came from. And last night, tired after work, I bunged all the oils together. Now I can't remember why I thought it would be a good idea. I wanted to used up the...
  15. grumpy_owl

    Is doing M&P Cheating? Like a Box Cake Mix?

    Scent..isn't...needed? :0 Spoken like a true guy. <shakes head sadly>
  16. grumpy_owl

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Made my first silk soap, thanks to newbie! Spun gold using Black Pepper and Burnt Sugar with a gold mica vein. Now I'm melting oils for Pink Slipper--Tonka Bean, Soft Sugar and Rosehip-Jasmine, pink with a merlot mica vein! My favorite new thing? Why didn't anyone tell me how silk...
  17. grumpy_owl

    Is doing M&P Cheating? Like a Box Cake Mix?

    Sadly, it can be surprisingly difficult to be honest with the consumer. I make fancy MP and have had people tell me it's the only soap they can use, feels gentle on their skin, etc. I explain it is made from bought soap base with glitter, embeds, color and scent and I'm not responsible for the...
  18. grumpy_owl

    Hard to make plain soap?

    I find it really hard to make plain soap, because my instinct is to shower glitter over everything. But it's very easy to love plain soaps. The sight of a cockeyed stack of pure white 100% coconut bars ready to shave into laundry butter makes me so happy. My very first non-Castille is still my...
  19. grumpy_owl

    Let's see those soap dishes

    Five full bars! Jen pulls ahead and races toward the too-much-soap finish line.
  20. grumpy_owl

    Let's see those soap dishes

    Lol. It's almost gone. I use it all the time and I love it! Those cranberries seeds are my world. The white scrap is my rosehip-jasmine salt bar that broke apart but good lord, does it lather up nicely and feel good on my skin. (Obsidian's anise pumice, down to a sliver in my shower, not shown)