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    Because of course this makes sense.

    Valerieinthegallery, here's hoping next week is better!!
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    Bar Mold Vs Loaf Tell me your Pros and Cons. Help me Decide on A Bar Mold

    Zolveria, I too love variety, and have loved my silicones because I can't line. Then, I got my soaphutch mold. Which I absolutely love. They can be customized. However, the one I have can be a slab, individual bars, or 1-3 loaves at a time or even a1lb mold using a dam if I want to try something...
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    online soapmaking classes

    FWIW, check out Kenna has great info, as well as ebooks and workshops geared towards businesses as well as soaping tutorials etc... Just a thought.
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    Advice Please

    Hi skayc1! Welcome to the forum. Congrats on your newfound love of soaping. My best advice would be to wait @1year before staring to sell. So good to hear you've done so much research, because many don't. That being said, as a newbie myself, it takes awhile to really get your recipes tweaked...
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    OMG! Did it get too hot?

    Dear Alice, it wasn't the OO. Typically I use relatively large amounts of OO..I think 100% CO get way hotter, but I could be wrong. Too new to say for sure. This time, it was a combination of using a heater of a FO, and CPOPing for the first time. I still have never posted pics of any of my...
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    OMG! Did it get too hot?

    Alice, I feel your pain! Ironically, about a week ago, I decided to try CPOP for the first time, and had the same look and problem as yours did. I cut them, and left them out, and Ina couple of days, they did dry out. I need to plane my tops, but it's better than I at first thought. When in...
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    Hardness in use

    Dear moonday, I commend you on your ambitious endeavor. Since you have the opportunity to tap into a market that is wide open with little competion, do as much reading on the Internet, and watch as many videos you can. Take notes, and keep up with this forum. I've gotten a lot of help here. Set...
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    Oil on top of my soap

    Well isn't that delightful. I'd be heartbroken. I've never made such a big batch. They are individual bars in a slab that I poured 3" high, so I could cut them in half horizontally. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I don't think I'll ever attempt cpop again :-( at least until I get an internal...
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    Oil on top of my soap

    Thanks shunt2011! After looking closer I can definately tell it overheated. I did zap test, and nothing...just oil. will let it sit, and zap after removal.
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    Oil on top of my soap

    Hi! I tried searching forum, but couldn't find anything regarding this. Yesterday, I finally got to try my soaphutch mold. I've never CPOP'd before, and wanted to try. Soon after getting it in the mold, I noticed a bit of oil on top. Not much, but it looked green. This morning, there's still...
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    Lost my darling furbaby tonight

    Grumpy_owl, I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds wonderful! You were there for her when she needed you and took the best care of her. Hoping in time you can think of her and smile at all of your memories.
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    Hello everyone

    Welcome aboard! Lorraine?
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    Hello Angela! Welcome to the forum, and thanks for the introduction. I didn't know there was a thread like this. Awesome to hear about you.
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    My last 7 soaps

    Your soaps are beautiful! What a lucky friend! You're a natural at this.
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    M & P embeds in CP Soap

    I just did a drop swirl with MP in a CP soap and didn't get sweating. I used a low sweat soap just to be sure.
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    I'm convinced that the reason I love making soap so much is..

    aside from waiting impatiently to finally cut into the soap and see what you created, there's this lovely sound and feel you get as your wire glides through.
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    Authentic New York City Bagels

    Bagel vs bialy. I love them both.
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    I just got........ZAPPED.

    I still fondly remember the first time I got zapped....but that's for another forum :-) Welcome to the zapped club. It's a right of passage...for soapers of course.
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    Mislabeled products from a new vendor

    Perhaps she doesn't have money for signage. I understand your frustration, but personally I don't like to judge what others are doing, or why they are doing it. If you are really concerned with the safety of her products, then maybe you can have a non-threatening conversation with her. She may...
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    Water discount

    Not_ally, check out auntieclaras blog where she does a lovely photographed experiment altering water to lye ratio. Thats where my thinking began from. As always, I'm so grateful to all you generous soapers who share wisdom and help guide this newbie in her soaping journey.