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  1. C

    This year's Christmas presents

    Nice job! They'll make lovely gifts.
  2. C

    Green tea seed oil

    Thank you all for sharing your information and experience. I truly appreciate it!
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    Plain jane

    I find soap like that beautiful in its simplicity. there's something so elegant about it. BTW,when i say simplicity, i don't mean simple. there's nothing "simple" about natural handmade soap.
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    Black raspberry vanilla swirl

    Ahhhh, i have swirl envy! Just finished a hanger swirl, and it got so thick. sure to be a huge mess. I hate when that happens. However, your soap is gorgeous!
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    Super Excited Newbie!

    Welcome to the forum and the addiction
  6. C

    Green tea seed oil

    Hmmm. I was told by BB to use as an additive @1T PPO, and to maybe lower SF if too oily. I've had it now for over a year, so I hate to waste it. soapmaker, what % did you use in your soap? Deanna, as always, I so appreciate your posts. thank you for taking the time to respond in such detail...
  7. C

    SMF Soapmaking Challenge November: Drop and Skewer

    Well Newbie, after finally mustering up the nerve to enter a challenge, I see what you considered a failed attempt. They are beautiful. I love drop swirls but haven't done one with a skewer. First attempt still awaiting cut (too soft still for some reason ), but I poured too thin I'm sure. So, I...
  8. C

    New Video

    Bravo! Great job on both the soap and the video. Did your aloe juice contain anything else like citric acid and a preservative? Due to the extra sugars, did it heat up more than usual? Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to more videos and lovely soaps!
  9. C

    A few questions before my first batch

    Hi Nettle, and welcome to soaping! This is such a great group of people here. When i first started out, the guidance, information and unbelievable patience i received was amazing! I continue to learn things every time I am on here. If I could add anything to the above info, it would be to learn...
  10. C

    Green tea seed oil

    Has anyone used green tea seed oil as an additive? If so, can you give me some feedback? Did you lower overall SF to allow for this? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  11. C

    "Winter is coming"...question about whipped body butter

    I've never had that issue before, but for this batch of WBB, I used unrefined Shea, so I heated other oils, then added Shea to the warmed oils so it melted gently. I had no issues.
  12. C

    "Winter is coming"...question about whipped body butter

    I recently made a batch of WBB. I've alway chilled my oils a bit before whipping. This time, I didn't have arrowroot, and subbed tapioca starch. It came out too firm for my liking. It melts on contact, but I need a small spatula to get any out of the container. Maybe I added too much tapioca...
  13. C

    Wet bath bomb mix

    I've also seen clear alcohol like vodka and tequila, but frankly that's just a waste of what could be a great drink . For wetness you can try to remix with cornstarch or clay 1-2 T at a time.
  14. C

    Seak advice on first CP soap batch (with photos)

    I think your first batch was lovely! Great job! Welcome to the soaping addiction.
  15. C

    Second Batch!

    lovely soap! will have to try cinnamon infused OO...good tip. thanks for sharing :-)
  16. C

    Fed up, feeling overwhelmed, and no place to vent...

    GiGi, I am so sorry you are going through this. I would definitely speak with your landlord and see if you can get out. Clearly your roommate has a pattern of behavior that you are paying in more ways than one. I wouldn't sell your belongings. Maybe getting evicted is the best solution for you...
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    Felted Owl soap

    I see everyone's in the right place. Birds of a feather...
  18. C

    Hello from Alberta, Canada

    Welcome Crystal. So glad you came forth. I'm sure you can help many of us on many topics.welcome to the forum!
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    SMF Soapmaking Challenge November: Drop and Skewer

    I'm in too, but don't know how to add myself to the list
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    First lye accident

    Speaking of gloves, does anyone know of really small ones? My hands are freakishly small, and they all feel so awkward and floppy on me. When I was a RN, they had to stock extra small sterile gloves for me, but that's really expensive for soaping.