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  1. emi

    Practice makes... perfect disasters!

    Wow, what helpful information! Thank you all so much! I've definitely spent more time reading about soap making than I have actually making soap in attempt to avoid common pitfalls and educate myself. But at the end of the day nothing substitutes experience.
  2. emi

    Practice makes... perfect disasters!

    Oh what a disaster!! I became too confident with the success of my previous simple soaps and tried several new attempts all at once in the last batch I made, which was only my 4th batch so far, and every new thing I tried went very wrong, or unexpected outcomes at best. But I learned a lot...
  3. emi

    Need help finding an ingredient

    Yup, I sure have. I've tried pretty much all the drug store brands. Denorex, Nizoral, T/Gel, SebaMed etc. I even had a prescription given to me by a doctor of some pink gel I don't remember what it was, and I had to use it 3 days in a row then use it every other shampoo, and that stuff would...
  4. emi

    face scrub recipes please?

    I've been using the mild original cetaphil on my face since I was a teen, and then use a scrub about twice a week. It's been St Ives apricot scrub for many years now which works for me just fine. I'd like to try to replace these products with my own recipes eventually, so I started trying...
  5. emi

    Need help finding an ingredient

    Wow that's crazy how the polysorbate alone worked so well! It would seem by the ingredients that it would be the vitamin E oil or the other oils known for it's skin moisturizing properties. Polysorbate 80 is literally defined as something used just to help combine other ingredients, as an...
  6. emi

    Need help finding an ingredient

    Yes, I'm definitely going to try adding my cream into my shampoo recipe! Thank you that's a great idea! About the polysorbate-80. I looked it up and it seems to be a something used to help dissolve or emulsify into something else, commonly used as an inactive ingredient. I wasn't able to find...
  7. emi

    Need help finding an ingredient

    Wow thanks for all the replies. I really wasn't expecting any! I'm going to start with making a good basic liquid shampoo. Then I'll first try just adding the pyritione zinc cream I have into the recipe as recommended. Then I'll try the zinx oxide since that's as easy as ordering it on amazon...
  8. emi

    What's this scent??

    Thanks for your input. It was very helpful.
  9. emi

    What's this scent??

    Thanks so much for your reply. That q-tip idea is brilliant! I would've never thought to do that. And what is a dupe/fragrance recipe? I also don't use palm. Although I've heard of sustainable palm. Is there really such a thing? meaning, is it really sustainable? I'm kind of suspicious and stay...
  10. emi

    What's this scent??

    I am new to soap making and am interested in knowing more about combining oils to create new ones. I bought a set of I think it was 10 different essential oils, but I"m a little paralyzed as to what to mix with what. I also am very much wanting to create or mimic the smell of a particular soap...
  11. emi

    Need help finding an ingredient

    I know this is a super old post, but I'm very curious if you got anywhere with those companies. I'm so ashamed to say that all the products I use are natural or homemade, except Head and Shoulders which I'm sick about! I've tried all the natural anti-dandruff products and nothing works except...
  12. emi

    why is my soap soft?

    Oh no! I wrote a really long response to everyone and I somehow don't see it here! Well I'm going to have to rewrite it. :problem: Thank you so much to Efficacious Gentleman for helping me to understand this! I finally got it! I also read this pdf posted...
  13. emi

    why is my soap soft?

    Thanks for the suggestion! I'll definitely calibrate my scale by following the other recommendations of how to do it. And that's a good tip too, to round down when using lye. I was actually rounding up on all my ingredients, including oils and lye. Just because when I'm pouring from one...
  14. emi

    why is my soap soft?

    I understand that the concentration of lye solution can drastically change how the reaction behaves. So instead of going about it kind of 2nd hand where you change water to oil number which then will change the lye to water, go directly to changing lye to water. But actually. I still don't...
  15. emi

    why is my soap soft?

    Thank you for your reply. I have read that x and y part of 3rd paragraph about 20 times and thought I got it, then I read it again and feel like I don't get it now. I understand that you are suggesting to tweak the concentration levels of lye to water, rather than water to oil. But the why is...
  16. emi

    why is my soap soft?

    I would've never found that! What a perfect resource. I really like , SO – Sunflower oil or significant other Just in case we need to abbreviate "significant other" in a soap forum! Ha! Thank you! Save
  17. emi

    why is my soap soft?

    Ok great! I'm glad my numbers were correct. I'll give it a longer cure like you suggested. This waiting is killing me though! I made my first batch on March 18th and I've been literally counting down the days to try out my soap! I've noticed how everyone uses so many abbreviations for soap...
  18. emi

    why is my soap soft?

    Thank you KristaY and Battle Gnome for your replies! The fact that my batch is so small didn't even occur to me! Of course, that makes total sense. I've just been using my kitchen scale which rounds to the gram. I do have a small weed calculator that measures to the 10th. Maybe I'll use that...
  19. emi

    why is my soap soft?

    I am a beginner and have made 3 batches so far in the last month. The 3rd batch was made 9 days ago on April 1st. I've been curing it and when I checked it today I noticed that it was quite soft. When I press firmly it dents in. Like a slightly ripe avocado. I checked all my oils and their...