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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. desireerenoir

    Stearic acid in liquid soap?

    Hello, I did experiment with adding stearic acid to the liquid soap ( classic recipe without gycerin): - adding to little, will cause claudy soap and separation, so stearic acid will float. - above 10% of S.A. did indeed form pearly soap. But I am affraid is still has cleansing properties. I...
  2. desireerenoir

    What is a good replacement for Vitamin E?

    Hello, I think about extra virgine oilve oil has a lot of vitamin E. But it would be good to calculate or test it.
  3. desireerenoir

    Soap intro

    Hi, Yeah I had quite bad case of dandruff, so i formulated exfoliaton cream for scalp. It is very easy: sugar, body butter, kafra and teatree oil. After peeling I shampoo my hair as usual, so the oils from exfoliation are rinsed of. The perservatives are big black box for now, that I just...
  4. desireerenoir

    How to dilute "No paste" for foaming soap.

    Hi, thank you for this invite. Made my first post by introduction. Yay. I will as suggested by @DeeAnna, start new foaming soap thread, although, there is most certainly already existing, have to check that first.🙃
  5. desireerenoir

    Soap intro

    Hi, I am avid lurker of this forum, but only from last month ( sept 2023) active member. Back story - How I got into soap hobby? I have goats, and one of old goats had very little milk, udder clogged, anyway story for different times. The point is, I had little frozen pieces of goat milk in...
  6. desireerenoir

    How to dilute "No paste" for foaming soap.

    Hello, I also have a big challange how to make foaming soap. I used 1 par soap paste with 2 parts of water, but somehow i can not manage to get foam. Weather is to gooey because of gumi acacia or to liquid, so it does not foam. Does anyone have any advice left?
  7. desireerenoir

    Stearic acid in liquid soap?

    @Zany_in_CO and @Kcryss thank you very much four your replys. I recieved the stearic acid today, and I will report back the results.
  8. desireerenoir

    Stearic acid in liquid soap?

    Hello, did this pearly soap every separate in two phases, while the soap sit on shelf?
  9. desireerenoir

    Stearic acid in liquid soap?

    Hello. I have a question. what is SB in your previous thread? Is glycerin liquid soap the same as KOH liquid soap?
  10. desireerenoir

    Has anyone used Copper Sulphate in Soap

    Hi, did you try it out anyway? I am also interested in this ingredient.