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  1. Gemmali

    Not enough Lye Solution

    Oh.. oh goodness.. hope everything/everyone was alright after that!
  2. Gemmali

    Not enough Lye Solution

    I do! Thank you so much.. I will certainly give this a try. And lesson learned.. ^-^
  3. Gemmali

    Not enough Lye Solution

    two different loaves, just the same exact size mold and recipe used. In essence I used not quite half of what I was suppose to use for the one I screwed up. Fixed that with the second one which seems to be doing just fine and the rest of the solution that should have been in the first one is...
  4. Gemmali

    Not enough Lye Solution

    So I planned on making two batches of soap, exact same recipe and since space and time are limited I just put both batches of lye solution together. Somehow, the next day when I went to make my soap (looking back on what went wrong) I realized I just read the wrong notation and put in only...
  5. Gemmali

    Puzzling crumbles

    I'm thinking it might just have been because other than the coloring, every bar I've made since with some tweaks has been nice and smooth and silky! This is such a learning curve.. I'm having a good time learning though ^-^
  6. Gemmali

    Allergies and the zap test ...

    As a new soaper and someone with no desire to lick soap for obvious reasons I both appreciate you looking out for us new kids and am curious to know what else can be done.
  7. Gemmali

    Puzzling crumbles

    For this particular soap I used 25 oz of oils
  8. Gemmali

    Puzzling crumbles

    I did! and its not supposed to, but maybe :) I had only used it once before in melt and pour so I'm not sure.
  9. Gemmali

    Puzzling crumbles

    Thank you so much! This is extremely important to me to get right. I dream of making it great one day but first and foremost my family and friends come first and getting it right is key. I'm not in a hurry.. I am definitely willing to put in my time. I'm just feeling a little... frazzled? :) I...
  10. Gemmali

    Puzzling crumbles

    I keep trying to figure out how to minimize the coconut since I'm sensitive but so far I'm not having much luck. I will keep all this in mind as I go forward though. I found a new recipe I want to try that's Olive, coconut, castor and shea. Though I really do like the lard soap so far! Oh and I...
  11. Gemmali

    Zany's no slime castile

    Could you use the faux salt water with other recipes as well, or is it best left to bars with a high olive oil content?
  12. Gemmali

    Puzzling crumbles

    After having a rough first batch and taking lots of notes about what I could do differently, I decided to buy some lard and see what that was about as I continue on this journey. I fixed my lye water ratio and really got thoughtful about what I was doing. Lard 50% Castor Oil 5% Coconut Oil 15%...
  13. Gemmali

    Uncertain what's happening here

    I've recently started using this soap as it seems to be nice and solid and you know what? Its the best soap I have used on my hair since I started using shampoo bars over a year ago lol who would have known? :D I accidentally made a great shampoo bar :D
  14. Gemmali

    The word association game

  15. Gemmali

    Uncertain what's happening here

    And here I thought I was totally ready :D No, it is a lot to learn and I've been preparing myself for my first batch for nearly a year. I did it confidently even if my batch was off so I'm really grateful to everyone who shares and advises. More notes with this one, and an even greater curiosity...
  16. Gemmali

    Uncertain what's happening here

    This was a great place for me to start since I had most of this at home. I actually need to find something to replace the coconut oil as much as possible because it seems he's been blessed with my hypersensitivity to coconuts. The oil dried out is skin like the sahara in summer. poor little guy...
  17. Gemmali

    Uncertain what's happening here

    Good to know :) I've let my sister know to stick her bars up someplace airy, and have put my cut bar back up with my others for now as well There was no fruit in the batter at all, only the spice mix of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger. I'm a million years too early to be trying anything...
  18. Gemmali

    Uncertain what's happening here

    I hadn't realized I'd made that error when writing up my post. I must remember not to talk and type at the same time.. my oil/water was 39 oz. I just went back and double checked the screen cap for the soap calc page I saved. Thank you for pointing out my error. I do appreciate it. individually...
  19. Gemmali

    Uncertain what's happening here

    Hello Everyone! Okay I made my first cold process soap in September and I really do love doing it already! I have watched countless videos, read tons of blogs and comments on videos and felt I was ready! I felt confident I was ready for anything that came; When it accelerated I didn't panic, I...
  20. Gemmali

    Hello From Oregon

    I am already! Thank you ^-^ ps. I love snickerdoodles and bunnies :)