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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Laura143

    Dragging marks from cutting soap

    I just made my second ever batch a few days ago, and decided to try out a pencil line. I've just cut my soap, and even know I cleaned the knife between each cut, the cocoa powder has still left dragging marks on the bars. Is there any way of cleaning these marks off? Any tips will be greatly...
  2. Laura143

    Holiday soaping has come to an end.

    Wow, I'm absolutely in love with all of your soaps! They'll make the most perfect gifts :) This picture definitely inspires me to practice practice practice!
  3. Laura143

    Do I think about soap too much??

    I've already had my first few soap dreams and I've only made one batch :') I've definitely been bitten by the soaping bug!
  4. Laura143

    First batch gone wrong - oops!

    I did a zap test on the really white bits and they were exactly the same as the other bits - no sting or tingle or anything. Because it's not zapping, that means its okay to use after curing, yes? It's just an aesthetic problem? I've cut it up now so here's a picture.
  5. Laura143

    First batch gone wrong - oops!

    Lye - 4.509 ounces Water - 12.16 5% superfat I did a zap test, but I've never done one before so wasn't really sure what to expect - it just tasted pretty weird... If you rebatch it, do you add anything to the melted soap?
  6. Laura143

    First batch gone wrong - oops!

    Oops forgot to add my water and lye measurements - will add them when I get home :)
  7. Laura143

    First batch gone wrong - oops!

    Hey everyone! I tried to make my first batch of soap 2 days ago, but something obviously went wrong... Here's my recipe: 16 ounces olive oil 8 ounces coconut oil 8 ounces palm oil I used alkanet for some colouring, and 1% lavender EO & 1% peppermint EO. Now, I think I put it into...
  8. Laura143

    Hello from a Lancashire Lass

    Hellooooooo! I'm from the UK too :D I was brought here by pretty much the same idea as you, too! I decided I wanted to make homemade gifts for my family and friends for Christmas, and after seeing some beautiful soaps on Etsy, decided upon soap! It's seems to be a very addictive hobby -...
  9. Laura143

    A big hello from Devon UK!

    The oils I'm using are olive oil, coconut oil and palm oil. I'm still dithering about what percentages of each I need to be using. Am I right in thinking 50% OO, 25% CO & 25% PO will work okay? Would you change the proportions if it were you? I just want to make a basic recipe that'll work for...
  10. Laura143

    A big hello from Devon UK!

    I ordered it a few days ago so will be here next week. I'll be seeing my family the week after Christmas so I'm hoping that will give me just enough time to cure it? Otherwise, I'll just give it to them anyway once it's finished curing after Christmas :) I haven't even made my first soap yet...
  11. Laura143

    A big hello from Devon UK!

    Hello everybody! I've been reading through the forums over the last few weeks, and have finally taken the plunge to post and say hi :) I'm currently studying psychology at university, and my new obsession with learning how to make soap is now becoming a good distraction for coursework...