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  1. M

    NEWBIE Candle Maker Questions - Please Help!

    1. yes if you add too much fragrance it can end up pooling on the top of your finished dry candle. Go to the website (or look in the paperwork or even in some cases on the bottle) of the fragrance oil company to see how many ounces they recommend per ounces of wax. It will depend on the kind...
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    Hi from Portland, Oregon

    Thank you very much Hazel! Yeah, that's a bummer! I have no CLUE what happened to it. I just can't imagine. I've turned the house upside down 3 times looking for it. :(
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    What can I use in place of palm products?

    StarBrown, Thank you for that - we're all a bit sensitive around this topic I guess. Movements aren't just trends though. Trends are trends. I think it's important and a good thing that - as you say - every few years there is some great concern that comes about. Imagine what the world...
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    Do U know of a site that lists expiration dates for b&b/soaping ingredients?

    Ewww I'd be afraid to taste it! :lol: Well all agree it's time to say goodbye to the RBO. Thanks!
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    New in candle making

    Hello - When I first got into candles (went through a huge candle phase that lasted only a year, several years ago - and now I'm about to get back into it - yaay!), I decided to invest in the good equipment. Experience had taught me that if I "make do" with scraps from around the house, I will...
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    First soap finished!

    Mmmmm I think it looks great! The orange and white spots make it even better IMO.
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    What can I use in place of palm products?

    StarBrown, I won't give examples that prove I for one am not into trends (e.g. I'd be a _fill in the blank_ if I were a trend-follower) lest I insult someone, but let me assure you I don't rant about things I don't wholeheartedly believe in. That would be pathetic. I'm a lot of things but a...
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    What can I use in place of palm products?

    While this wasn't written to me specifically, and I respect your feelings, I just want to point out that if someone from another country had a legitimate complaint about my country (as do many), I don't think I would take it personally, simply because the U.S. has many faults - just as we do...
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    What can I use in place of palm products?

    Brilliantly put, thank you! You're so much more educated on the matter than I am and I appreciate your sharing all this!
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    What can I use in place of palm products?

    Couldn't agree more. Thank you for not being sore about my long rant. I knew you'd understand and I think we see eye to eye on most of it, not that it really matters! :lol::crazy:
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    Hi from Portland, Oregon

    Oh whew - nice to know I'm not the only one with 3 boys! Thank you.
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    Hi from Portland, Oregon

    Thanks Pepsi Girl and Savonierre!
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    What can I use in place of palm products?

    Eleraine, I think that's a great idea - using as much locally as you can. In fact - I don't know if this is a silly or unrealistic idea or not but my dad and his sisters bought a farm in Southern Oregon and they're growing olive trees there. I think to make olive oil, I keep forgetting to...
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    What can I use in place of palm products?

    Thanks Judymoody. I use all 3 of those in my soaps so that's good to know. :)
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    What can I use in place of palm products?

    Eleraine, That makes sense since you're from there. I'm concerned though because all those in the know claim that there's really no evidence that sustainable palm really exists, as many other products claiming to be sustainable in fact do/are. They (several sources - not just a few) say it's...
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    What can I use in place of palm products?

    Thanks Saswede! I'm looking forward to opening up the books (sort of - ugh!) and remembering all these details. I not only don't want to use palm oil but I also don't want to use palm kernel oil. I'm sure you're right about many alternatives resulting in equally luxurious bars. Can't wait to...
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    What can I use in place of palm products?

    Oops! Oh well, nice to meet you anyway!
  18. M

    Do U know of a site that lists expiration dates for b&b/soaping ingredients?

    Thanks again Dagmar. The RBO has never been opened but the shea butter has. Shea oil however has not.