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  1. M

    Hi from Portland, Oregon

    Thank you Fabius! :)
  2. M

    It has been a long time, but I'm back!

    Oh she is painfully cute (says the mom of all boys)! I don't know if anyone's already said this but when I had a child her age, I made sure to put up strong, well-working baby gates on all 3 doors leading to the kitchen. That was what made me feel most comfortable when I was soaping. It's...
  3. M

    The word association game

  4. M


    Not bad at all!! :-o
  5. M

    "Tacky" feeling Soap

    Ahhh that makes sense cause I didn't seem to recall having put mine in at light trace either (I thought I just put it in with the other oils) and that was cp soap. I recently either read that or saw a video (have been all over the place recently so I can't remember where) which is why I thought...
  6. M

    "Tacky" feeling Soap

    I'm so embarrassed! I guess I thought I mentioned this but the other reason would simply be using too much of a harsh oil, even if super fatting. i.e. if it's not a balanced enough recipe (if 'balanced' is even the right term)! That could be a possibility if everything else seems right. I...
  7. M

    What happens if I leave soap in the mold longer than needed?

    Andrea, I just want to say thank you for asking a lot of questions! I love it when someone asks something I haven't thought to ask yet (or haven't needed to yet) because I learn something too from your question - and am sure I'm not the only one! :) I recently heard that in the past...
  8. M

    "Tacky" feeling Soap

    You'll have to forgive me for not being an experienced soaper, which is to say I've only made a few batches and it was years ago! But the two most common reasons for soap feeling that way are that it's either not cured long enough, or the amounts may not have been weighed carefully enough (e.g...
  9. M

    The lid on slab molds. Is it a leveler/smoother, or a lid?

    Sistrum - that makes sense to me too. It's just that so many wooden slab molds come with lids that sit inside the mold rather than on top...and they often have a handle or knob to pull it out. I've never fully understood until now, why anyone would want the lid to be too small to sit over the...
  10. M

    The lid on slab molds. Is it a leveler/smoother, or a lid?

    Ha - this is my second thread that I figured the answer out on my own like a big girl. ;) In case anyone else out there was also a little uncertain as I was (ugh - hopefully I'm not the only one!), googling fairly hard finally resulted in the answer which was actually from this forum a couple...
  11. M

    Do U know of a site that lists expiration dates for b&b/soaping ingredients?

    So glad you shared that!! I've been really curious about making homemade laundry soap but didn't think of it as hight enough up on the list of priorities just yet...but I have OLD oils/butters that have been stored in tight containers in a cold old basement. There's a good chance they're...
  12. M

    Do U know of a site that lists expiration dates for b&b/soaping ingredients?

    Hey I just wanted to share what I found from Soap Queen! Exactly the type of list I was looking for. :)
  13. M

    The lid on slab molds. Is it a leveler/smoother, or a lid?

    Hello, In the past, I've used a plastic rubbermaid type lid (through the clear kind) that happened to sit over my wooden slab mold nicely, and then I put towels over/around that. The lid never made sense to me cause it fit inside the mold, not over it. Then recently I saw a video in which...
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    I'm glad the lie didn't hurt you! :shock:
  15. M

    What are some simple starter swirls?

    I think videos are the most helpful. It's been years since I last made cp soap and I never did make more than a few batches. I want to get into it again, but then I've said that before...there have been more than a couple of false starts! But recently I did youtube searches for swirling...
  16. M

    CP sugar scrub

    Those would be great gifts! So pretty. I'm wondering how they feel? I've never use one!
  17. M

    My first soap....

    I'm VERY impressed for a first CP soap! There's no evidence whatsoever that you're not experienced at it. Looks really yummy. :smile:
  18. M

    I'd like thick, cold-feeling, super silky body butter but not greasy. R these good?

    Thanks Judymoody and Kazmi! That site is fantastic! Hard to get off once you get on, huh?!!
  19. M

    Hi from Portland, Oregon

    Hazel, Ok will try that! And guess what??? Thanks AGAIN AGAIN!!:lol::crazy::wave: