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  1. FragranceGuy

    Grocery Store Soap Challenge Photo Thread

    Nobody has ever gifted me soap. Yes, I fished heavily for it 😆 It means more to me than I can express. Thank you Zany ❤️ I’ll send you a PM.
  2. FragranceGuy

    Feedback on my first facial soap recipe...

    @The_Phoenix Aptly named The Phoenix “1”
  3. FragranceGuy

    Feedback on my first facial soap recipe...

    I believe the ph of Johnson’s baby shampoo is roughly 7, aka water. Dove beauty bars are somewhere between 6 and 7. Supposedly our sebum/skin averages somewhere between 4.7-5.7. Considering that our homemade soaps are probably 9 or above, I don’t see how baby shampoo or dove bars could be any...
  4. FragranceGuy

    Feedback on my first facial soap recipe...

    THANK YOU 🙏 @The_Phoenix I’ll be hitting the calculator today 🧮 Yes!! 😆 @AliOop Some SAE 20, a little crushed gravel, top it off with 5 sprays of Dior Fahrenheit (which I LOVE 😍) and you’ll be smelling like a an extra on Son’s of Anarchy in no time! 🤣 You’ve mentioned before that your high...
  5. FragranceGuy

    Feedback on my first facial soap recipe...

    @The_Phoenix You’re leaving me to speculate on the other percentages of your glorious sounding lard face soap 😆 Lard 50% CO 18% OO 25% Castor oil 7% Am I getting warm? 😆 Thanks @The_Phoenix Experimentation is in session! 😎
  6. FragranceGuy


    Welcome! 🤗 The fact that you’ve been making soap for many years and you’re reaching out to the forum to learn and (hopefully) teach is AWESOME! Forever a student!!! 🙌
  7. FragranceGuy

    Grocery Store Soap Challenge Photo Thread

    While I never imposed a budget on this challenge, your desire to keep spending low is perfectly in line with the spirit of the challenge and I commend you!!! I’m with Zany, I was about to buy you some ingredients AND ship them to you out of sheer empathy 😂 Obviously, that would violate the...
  8. FragranceGuy

    Feedback on my first facial soap recipe...

    I spent most of my first 25 years of life washing my face once a day with bar soap while in the shower. I’ve maybe had 25 pimples in 37 years. Meanwhile my sister struggled with acne from the age of 15-30. She was always obsessed with face products, washing 2 times a day, special moisturizers...
  9. FragranceGuy

    Feedback on my first facial soap recipe...

    Yeesss! @Tara_H @AliOop When I’m creating fragrance blends I’m mixing bases and waving EO caps under my nose while wafting my current mix. I’m inevitably getting oils on my fingers and nose. Meanwhile, I’m taking my time as quickly as possible to get something palatable before smell fatigue sets...
  10. FragranceGuy

    Feedback on my first facial soap recipe...

    As much as I love fragrances, I’d prefer to be able to smell other worldly fragrances throughout the day as well 😆
  11. FragranceGuy

    Feedback on my first facial soap recipe...

    @Tara_H Thank you for pointing that out! I wash my face in the shower after I wash my hair and body. I do the same as you, lathering in my hands and gently massaging my face. I didn’t even think about the lather running down my arms or making a mess around the sink. Thank you 🙏 @jwarnerca Yes...
  12. FragranceGuy

    Feedback on my first facial soap recipe...

    I suppose this is one of those skin type/everyone is different kind of topics. I’ve never used it on a baby, I don’t have children, but it’s not drying to my skin at all. My girlfriend says she thinks it would be too drying for her skin, but she’s never actually used it. (Because she says it...
  13. FragranceGuy

    Feedback on my first facial soap recipe...

    Thank you @Aromasuzie I’ve often wondered how much wash off products actually help our skin. I’ve read that grape seed oil and avocado oil are good for many skin types so I decided to incorporate them, but I’m simply experimenting. For the last two years I’ve been washing my face with baby...
  14. FragranceGuy

    Feedback on my first facial soap recipe...

    I’ve decided to make my first facial bar soap and I would love any feedback on my plans. While researching I’ve noticed a huge spectrum of qualities in “face soap.” Most of the recipes I’ve viewed look no different than bath soap. Some with CO percentages as high as 35% without a high SF! I’m...
  15. FragranceGuy

    Linoleics Anonymous

    Hey fellow soapers, enthusiasts and philosophers! I’m sorry for taking so long to respond. I got my second vaccination yesterday and I’ve been so tired and cloudy headed I couldn’t muster up the energy to appropriately respond. @ResolvableOwl Thank you for tolerating and encouraging my rant...
  16. FragranceGuy

    Linoleics Anonymous

    @Mobjack Bay I ABSOLUTELY believe that you can solve mysteries of soap making, because you believe that you can. If you didn’t, I wouldn’t take you very seriously. But I do!! I’m a plumber. If you ever decide you need plumbing help for soap experimentation, let me know!!
  17. FragranceGuy

    Linoleics Anonymous

    Philosophically speaking I definitely fall into a classical idealist realm. I believe that the only true understanding of the world around us is inevitably subjective and anyone who believes they’re viewing the world through an objective lense has more in common with a cult leader than they’d...
  18. FragranceGuy

    Differences for Florida CP vs less humid areas?

    Well, I’ll be damned, that’s our question answered, swiftly and appropriately 😆 Thank you @Rsapienza Leave it to me to over think things 🤣
  19. FragranceGuy

    Differences for Florida CP vs less humid areas?

    Where do you live? What part of Canada?
  20. FragranceGuy

    Differences for Florida CP vs less humid areas?

    I’m very interested to hear what tips you all have for high humidity environments. This will be my first summer season making soap and while it isn’t as consistently humid here in NC as say Florida, it does get pretty humid. I mean 100% humidity is 100% humidity no mater where you are 😆 (I know...