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  1. H

    Will bath bombs react with steel?

    Great idea...thanks!
  2. H

    Will bath bombs react with steel?

    I would like to package some bath bombs in a clear PVC tub with tin caps on the top and bottom (paint can style). I was wondering if the citric acid would react in any way with the steel end caps? Thanks in advance for the help.
  3. H

    Has anyone used this soap cutter?

    Funny you should mention him, because he just started following me on Etsy the other day...out of the blue, I've never dealt with him. Must be trying to market to the soapers.
  4. H

    How do you store pre-mixed colorant?

    Awesome idea! I think I'm going to give those a try...either in squirt bottles or bullet bottles. Thanks! :-)
  5. H

    Has anyone used this soap cutter?

    His shop was closed due to an order backlog when I contacted him, but he took my order anyway. I think the turnaround time was about 5-6 weeks, which he was very up front about before I paid. Couldn't be happier with the cutter :-)
  6. H

    How do you store pre-mixed colorant?

    Those sound like a good idea too...I definitely need something less messy than spooning it out of Rubbermaid containers with drippy lids.
  7. H

    Has anyone used this soap cutter?

    I just got Bud's multi cutter last month and I love it! He was fabulous to deal with and made my wires custom spaced at 1 1/8 inch. The best part of upgrading from my cheese slicer was that I have no more little raised bumps on the cut ends of my soaps. For so long, I have been trying to find...
  8. H

    How do you store pre-mixed colorant?

    I have tried a few different ways of storing my pre-mixed colorants (my oxides, etc. that I have pre-dispersed in carrier oil). However, everything I have tried usually ends up as a mess. I've tried glass bale jars, Rubbermaid screw cap containers, etc. I am thinking about trying squirt...
  9. H

    Homogenized palm oil

    I also use homogenized palm oil and I love it...would never go pack to melting, mixing, and repackaging in smaller tubs. This is such a time saver. And that reminds me...I should probably place another order before the hot Midwest summer arrives (though it's been such a long winter, I am SO...
  10. H

    Question about taxes and COGS

    Wow, thanks to everyone who has taken the time to share what they have found with regard to this. The whole thing gives me a headache...LOL. I definitely have a better understanding of the big picture, and one thing is for sure...I need to get MUCH more detailed with my accounting and general...
  11. H

    Question about taxes and COGS

    La-Rene, one mentioned that the ending inventory is considered income? I'm still struggling with that...why is it income at that point? Would it not be income until I sell the soap? (Meaning, my supplies on hand and soap sitting on the shelf at the year are not yet income?)...what...
  12. H

    Question about taxes and COGS

    Thanks la-rene for taking the time to provide such a detailed explanation...I really appreciate it! Yes, that helps clear thing up a lot. I was missing the big picture about cogs and inventory, but now it makes sense. Like you mentioned, I have been diligent about keeping records and receipts of...
  13. H

    Question about taxes and COGS

    I am wondering if I did my taxes incorrectly, because everything I am reading says you cannot simply deduct supply purchases and report income earned, but rather you need to calculate the cost of goods sold and use these numbers instead. Maybe these are the same thing and I am just confused? I...
  14. H

    Question about taxes and COGS

    Sorry, maybe my question wasn't clear. I understand that you would need to provide a detailed breakdown of all the expenses and income with receipts, etc. I am just wondering if it is incorrect to deduct these expenses simply as they are, or if I should use different numbers (from calculating...
  15. H

    Question about taxes and COGS

    Having recently registered as a business, I should probably consult a tax advisor to make sure I am doing things correctly. Until then, I am hoping some more experienced small business owners/soapers might be able to provide some general direction (don't worry, I WILL talk to a tax professional...
  16. H

    For those of you who use Soapmaker 3...

    My google searches are turning out okay, but can anyone help me with powdered colorants, such as oxides and micas? I'm having trouble finding the sg of these. Thank you for the help :-)
  17. H

    For those of you who use Soapmaker 3...

    Darn, that's what I was afraid of. I have just been entering 1 as the specific gravitation for everything. Have you found a good source for the specific gravity of most things, or do you just google it? I started googling it, but it was getting a bit cumbersome so I just went with 1 instead. Ugh.
  18. H

    For those of you who use Soapmaker 3...

    How do you account for very small amounts of colorant used in a batch? For example, I might use 1/4 tsp of a powder, or a few drops of a liquid. I have no idea of the weight in ounces for such small amounts. How do you deal with this when calculating the cost of a recipe or when tracking...
  19. H

    Avocodo Oil?

    I use avocado oil at 5% in most of my recipes. I really like the feel of the soap, and I don't usually need lotion anymore. Not sure if it's the avocado oil, or probably my recipe/combo of oils, but I do like it.
  20. H

    Anyone here from Missouri?

    Hi, I'm from Missouri...always looking for other soapers in the area. I am in the St. Louis area, and it is really a great place to live. All four seasons, and lots of things to do around town...from great baseball (today was the Cardinals home opener...woo hoo!), an awesome free zoo, lots of...