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  1. B

    What are these tiny balls on top of my soap?

    @Lidiacgarcia Okay, thanks so much for all your help! I appreciate it. @AliOop Thank you for your help, too! Much appreciated!!
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    What are these tiny balls on top of my soap?

    Hi @DeeAnna ! I know you're very knowledgeable and I'm wondering if you can help answer another question for me. I cut a soap bar from this batch of soap last night and it confirmed my suspicions - it had the wet streaks in it I recognize from another failed batch of soap I made in the past that...
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    Milk soap diseases?

    When selling/buying/making a cold process goat milk soap, how does the saponification process work for killing germs and making the soap safe to use? If the goat had something wrong with it that you could get through drinking* their milk, does the saponification process kill whatever the...
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    What are these tiny balls on top of my soap?

    I do sometimes but of course didn't this time. :( Thank you for the tip!
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    What are these tiny balls on top of my soap?

    Also, my lye water looked like it may not have been fully dissolved when I poured it in, but I hoped I was wrong so I had doubt in my mind from the beginning that I hadn’t mixed the water lye solution properly.
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    What are these tiny balls on top of my soap?

    Thank you! I will see what happens and do a zap test soon. I appreciate your help.
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    What are these tiny balls on top of my soap?

    Here are some pictures of the soap cut. I’m super disappointed because I think the issue is lye pockets. What do y’all think? These little balls throughout the soap are wet. I think it’s too early to properly zap test because it hasn’t been 24 hours yet. Well, one time when I had lye heavy soap...
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    What are these tiny balls on top of my soap?

    Thank you very much for your help! I appreciate it. Can you please view the photos I posted just now and see if you think these are lye pockets? I’m afraid they are but not 100% confident.
  9. B

    What are these tiny balls on top of my soap?

    Here are some pictures of the soap cut. I’m super disappointed because I think the issue is lye pockets. What do y’all think? These little balls throughout the soap are wet. I think it’s too early to properly zap test because it hasn’t been 24 hours yet.
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    What are these tiny balls on top of my soap?

    Yes, thank you! My recipe is 15 oz olive oil 11 oz palm oil 8 oz coconut oil 10.8 oz water 4.8 ounces lye This batch was soaped a little bit higher than my normal. I can’t swear to precise temperature but I think it was around 150. Give or take. Hi there. I will see if it’s ready to cut...
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    What are these tiny balls on top of my soap?

    I made this batch of cold process soap tonight. I did put it in a slightly preheated oven (200 degrees or lower) for a little bit to help with gel phase. But no cracking or expanding seemed to happen so idk if it’s an overheating issue. Is this an indication of undissolved lye? The balls are...
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    Gifting/donating soap with DOS

    Thank you all for the replies. I will do a smell test again and make sure it doesnt smell bad. And we can use it up for our personal stash and I think I will cut the tops off a couple of bars as an expirement and see what happens. Maybe I'll keep a couple bars as is to observe over the next few...
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    Gifting/donating soap with DOS

    Hi there! I am still sort of a beginner, as I've been making soap for about a year now. Anyway, I have some soap that I think has some DOS. I say "think" because it's a darker colored soap, and the discoloration is not in the shapes of round dots. It's more of a general discoloration on the top...
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    Will this pine tar CP soap recipe work?

    Thanks! Have a good day!
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    Will this pine tar CP soap recipe work?

    Edited to add, I used the Soap Friend calculator and the recipe is 11.5 ounces olive oil 11 ounces palm oil 8 ounces coconut oil 3.5 ounces pine tar 8.7 ounces water 4.35 ounces lye Do you think this would make a good soap that will be able to be cured in the regular 4-6 week cure time...
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    Will this pine tar CP soap recipe work?

    Thank you for your help! Do I just plug my oils in for the lye calculator and I dont plug in the pine tar, right? So I'll just plug in 11.5 ounces olive oil, 11 ounces palm oil, and 8 ounces coconut oil, and 11.2 ounces water, and then use the lye amount it gives me? Is 3.5 ounces of pine tar a...
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    Will this pine tar CP soap recipe work?

    I've done quite a bit of research on pine tar soap and plan to make my first batch soon but am still a bit nervous! Will this recipe work? I plan on using my recipe with the technique/method Elly's Everyday Soap Making pine tar video shows. I read through a bunch of threads on here and one...