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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. S

    A Special Thanks to Suds MacKenzie

    Hi, everyone. You are very welcome. I was glad to do it. It’s true I haven’t been around much in about fourteen years, and I wasn’t particularly active before that, but I believe in niche communities like this one. The Internet kind of sucks now, in case you haven’t noticed, and I wanted to do...
  2. S

    When masterbatching lye never ASS ume

    Did you buy the lye in the 16oz container, or were you assuming that if you filled a 16oz container, you'd get 16oz of lye? It's important for people to realize that most of the places that sell lye in "1lb" or "2lb" increments are really just filling 16oz or 32oz containers with lye and calling...
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    Makeshift drying racks

    I needed some racks for drying my soaps. I didn't want to wait and I didn't want to spend any money, so I improvised with stuff I had floating around my house. Most crafty types will have everything I used, or reasonable substitutes. I thought i'd share a quick photo tutorial in case someone...
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    A few of my soaps

    Thanks, and thanks to everyone else for the compliments.
  5. S

    A few more of my soaps

    Thanks for the replies :) The Man Bar, yeah, I love the swirls in that one, too. I'd say those are actually the best swirls I have ever gotten in my cold-process swirl soaps. The funny thing is, I was disappointed when I poured it; watching it go into the mold, and seeing the top of the soap...
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    A few more of my soaps

    Old thread: A few of my soaps Bay of Babies, baby powder and bay rum scented. Sawdust Sandstorm, scented only by the oils that make it up. Lyptus Scrub Eucalyptus essential oil, with colloidal oatmeal. Man Bar - Crushed Rock Edition, strong...
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    A few of my soaps

    Thanks for the comments and compliments, everyone! I design and print them, myself. The labels are printed on 65lb slightly textured stock. I bought a little paper guillotine that I use to cut them nice and straight, then I manually fold the ends so they wrap around the bar, apply a little...
  8. S

    A few of my soaps

    Thanks for the compliments, everyone. That's Piña Colada-scented, it smells great! Top-to-bottom, the scents are: Piña Colada Body by Victoria smell-alike Tea-Tree, scented with tea-tree essential oil. Eucalyptus essential oil and lemon essential oil, it smells fantastic Coffee Bean Frozen...
  9. S

    A few of my soaps

    I don't have anything resembling a proper photo setup, since I recently made a long-distance move, so please forgive the second-rate photographs. Same bar, different color schemes.
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    Pink Sugar & Juniper Aloe Soap

    How do you like the new reinforced silicone molds? I have some of the old-style ones, and they just bow out like crazy. Now, every time I go to the Wholesale Supplies Plus warehouse to pick up an order, I see the new reinforced molds hanging on the walls, but I am wary of trying them.
  11. S

    WSP implements minimum order

    I'm curious, what other problems do you have with Wholesale Supplies Plus? I've been using them for what must be close to ten years and I've never had any problems. I'm a little disappointed in this, because I used to be able to save twice - once on the shipping costs, and once again on the...