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  1. Elise

    So I made my first mountain soap

    Oh woaw ! I'm far from doing soaps that are that beautiful !
  2. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Unmolded yesterday's catastrophy. It's an Aleppo style soap (70% olive, 30% laurel berry oil). I wanted to make it with salt to help harden it and thought it would be fun to use sea water. I don't have seawater on hand so I looked it up and tried to replicate it (I didn't have magnesium so it is...
  3. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    That's the video that made me want to try indigo in the first place ! Her soaps are so lovely. But I didn't really pay attention to the kind of powder she used and that's not what I got 😵. She just have to infuse her powder.
  4. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Thank you ! I used to color my hair with indigo too, but back then the instructions I found said to add a bit of sodium bicarbonate. I never notice the paste turning blue and I was not looking for blue but only wanted to darken my brown hair. I'll try the salt and let you know how it turned out...
  5. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Is it how it is done ? I thought the process was way more tedious (like, oxydizing, fermenting...). I will try then ! Do you have any idea how much salt would be needed ?
  6. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Just ordered alkanet root and indigo powder. I was very disappointed to realise I couldn't color my soap with the indigo I bought previously (which is just powdered leaves, with no treatment). So I chose carefully this time. My mother wants me to make lavender soaps for her, and I want to make...
  7. Elise

    Resin soap

    Sorry, I didn't see your answer before posting ;) It sounds like you use resins. I didn't know it was that easy to dissolve ! I want to try that now.
  8. Elise

    Resin soap

    I believe they are indeed resins (or gums). But essential oils are made from them and I guess this a more conventional form to use in soap making. Which form did you use ? Resin or essential oil ? If you know of a way to use the resin form, I interested to know how ;)
  9. Elise

    Kind of a weird question about moulds

    It's funny how BB shows a tutorial at how using those molds to make avocado shaped soaps 😂 . Regarding your questions OP, I have no idea how something organic as an avocado shell would support fresh unsaponified soap batter. I myself would find it hazardous. As for your other suggestions using...
  10. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    If I do that, I get more of an orange color than a yellow. Do you think it's because it varies from one turmeric powder to an other ?
  11. Elise

    2lilboots soaps again

    This last one is really pretty once cured ! It could be galaxy themed, even though they're more brown than black. What did you use to get this color that change this much when curing ?
  12. Elise

    Gifting/donating soap with DOS

    Can you cut the top of your soap to get rid of all the orange bits ? If so, I would say you could donate them (or at least I would feel comfortable doing so), but they are probably soaps to be used ASAP and not store for longer. I should still mention that I have only soaped for a year and...
  13. Elise

    Fragrance Free massage oil

    Well, all oils are originally fragrance free and unscented if you don't add anything to them. As long as you know you are not allergic to them you should be fine with any oil. Just make sure you buy 100% pure and check the ingredient list if you are in doubt. I love sweet almond oil for...
  14. Elise

    Beef Tallow and Essential Oils

    I never get EO scent to stick on my skin after washing. I thought that was quite normal since the soap has to be rinsed off and not stay on your skin after washing. But some people get to have the scent remain on their skin ?
  15. Elise

    What really makes coconut oil stripping ?

    @DeeAnna, I'm amazed by the quality of all the content that you post here on this forum. I'm always glad when I stumble upon one of your posts when browsing old or recent thread because I know it will be both honest and documented answers. I hope you get all the recognition you deserve for the...
  16. Elise

    What really makes coconut oil stripping ?

    I enjoyed reading your thread ! For both the chemical informations and the hijack 😂 Thank you @DeeAnna ! I didn't even know there were other FA than the ones appearing in soap calcs ! While reading the thread recommended by Mobjack Bay in their previous post, I ended up on your website. I...
  17. Elise

    What really makes coconut oil stripping ?

    Sure, they all make soap, but since they rend different properties I'm wondering how it is explained by chemistry. I'll have a look at that and see what I can understand from it. Thank you again !
  18. Elise

    What really makes coconut oil stripping ?

    Thank you @Mobjack Bay and @AliOop ! 🌷 So lauric and myristic fatty acids become something that is different in nature than what the other fatty acids turn into when saponified. I would love to read more on the different kind of micelles and how additives like sugar affects them or the fatty...
  19. Elise

    What really makes coconut oil stripping ?

    I have been wondering for quite a while now, maybe someone here could help me with that question. Is saponified coconut oil "in essence" more efficient in binding to fats/sebum and is what makes it harsher, or is it just that it is more soluble and so we get more soap faster when using it and so...
  20. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I made a small test batch coloring with Manjistha (also called madder root I believe) + senting with Patchouli EO. While pouring I felt like the batter was ricing a little bit. I wonder what caused it and hope it won't affect the soap. I also spent a bit of time peeling, blending and freezing...