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    • R
      RotaryVirus replied to the thread Milkfat.
      The milkfat i get has been separated from the whey so it almost pure milkfat. And i use a 50/50 blend of that and OO for cooking. It was...
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      RotaryVirus replied to the thread Cure time ?.
      Thank for info ….what amounts do you use for edta or SG ? Also what % OO does cure time start to extend?
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      RotaryVirus replied to the thread Milkfat.
      Leftover protein and fat content varies with style of cheese. And yes all commercial cheese factories either sell the whey for further...
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      Im planning on making a batch for Christmas gifts and want to know if my recipe will be ready by dec if made now 25% tallow 25% lard...
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      I made my first batch of soap to use up leftover cooking fats. It was a blend of animal fats and olive oil. No idea quantities of...
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      Plan on using mica for my next batch of CP. also adding EO’s. Ive read a few threads on anchoring scents with clay and was wondering if...
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