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  1. R


    The milkfat i get has been separated from the whey so it almost pure milkfat. And i use a 50/50 blend of that and OO for cooking. It was 70 ounces before the CO . Cant know for certain %s but i doubt it was less then 25.
  2. R

    Cure time ?

    Thank for info ….what amounts do you use for edta or SG ? Also what % OO does cure time start to extend?
  3. R


    Leftover protein and fat content varies with style of cheese. And yes all commercial cheese factories either sell the whey for further processing into protien powder or butter or do it on site.
  4. R

    Cure time ?

    Im planning on making a batch for Christmas gifts and want to know if my recipe will be ready by dec if made now 25% tallow 25% lard 20% olive 20% coconut 10% castor
  5. R


    I made my first batch of soap to use up leftover cooking fats. It was a blend of animal fats and olive oil. No idea quantities of individual fats. Added co i had on hand. Turned out better than expected. I use a fair amount of milkfat to cook with. After reading a few threads about some using...
  6. R

    Mica anchoring

    Plan on using mica for my next batch of CP. also adding EO’s. Ive read a few threads on anchoring scents with clay and was wondering if i could do the same using mica since i plan on pre mixing with oil to aid distribution.