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      holmerz replied to the thread New To CP soap making.
      Thnánk you Nona'sFarm, I'll give your oil combo a try. So far I've only done 2-3 at a time, so no big loss. Fir needle seems to be a...
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      holmerz reacted to Nona'sFarm's post in the thread New To CP soap making with Like Like.
      Hi, I agree with the others in that I would leave out the beeswax. Not sure what oils are available to you, but here is a suggestion -...
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      holmerz replied to the thread New To CP soap making.
      Ekuzo, thanks. I just remembered that I've used kaolin clay as an oil carrier, as I understood this is done, in part, to protect the...
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      holmerz replied to the thread New To CP soap making.
      AliOop, Thank you for the heads up, I'll try and raise the superfat and lower the amount of liquid fats. You're right about camphor...
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      holmerz reacted to AliOop's post in the thread New To CP soap making with Like Like.
      Sorry, adding beeswax is not going to have that effect in your soap. Instead, try raising the superfat, or lowering the coconut oil and...
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      holmerz replied to the thread New To CP soap making.
      Thank you all for your replies. The addition of beewax was to counter the drying effect of coconut oil, I'll add it at lower percentages...
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      holmerz reacted to Ekuzo's post in the thread New To CP soap making with Like Like.
      I agree with the rest. Using beeswax is usually considered an advanced technique and it demands soaping at higher temperatures. Once you...
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      holmerz reacted to Lidiacgarcia's post in the thread New To CP soap making with Like Like.
      Hi @holmerz Welcome to the forum and to soapmaking. I agree with @Ford. Beeswax is tricky to work with. I have never seen a recipe...
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      holmerz reacted to Ford's post in the thread New To CP soap making with Like Like.
      Hi, that seems like a lot of bee's wax. Probably why it traced so fast. Plenty of threads on beeswax, soy wax usage rates.
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      Hello New member here. Inspired by the numerous companies constantly advertising with their super soaps, I though, I can make this...
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