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  1. H

    New To CP soap making

    Thnánk you Nona'sFarm, I'll give your oil combo a try. So far I've only done 2-3 at a time, so no big loss. Fir needle seems to be a quite popular choice for obtaining a woody scent. \Erik
  2. H

    New To CP soap making

    Ekuzo, thanks. I just remembered that I've used kaolin clay as an oil carrier, as I understood this is done, in part, to protect the EO/FO. Also I was wondering how late in the process does people add the EO/FO. I suppose including slow saponifying oils will increase the risk of adding the...
  3. H

    New To CP soap making

    AliOop, Thank you for the heads up, I'll try and raise the superfat and lower the amount of liquid fats. You're right about camphor, I'll try fir needle instead, thanks
  4. H

    New To CP soap making

    Thank you all for your replies. The addition of beewax was to counter the drying effect of coconut oil, I'll add it at lower percentages in the future though. I'll turn up the percentage of some other hard oils. Also HP soap making will be in a distant future for me, I'll try some other wood...
  5. H

    New To CP soap making

    Hello New member here. Inspired by the numerous companies constantly advertising with their super soaps, I though, I can make this myself. Wrong! At least up till now. The issue is both getting the right consistency of the soap and obtaining a scent that is barrable. Consistency: I have used...