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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. J

    How to use F.O. in CP soaps and a slow tracing recipe

    Hi there, I have been making soaps for more than a year now and have been relatively successful with them. I used e.o. in the past and a couple of f.o. and never had any issues. I have been asked to make one with coconut and pineapple soap and I have tried making it three times and still...
  2. E

    Issues with my body lotion recipe

    Hi all!! I need help with my body lotion recipe. The preservative that I am using is affecting the smell of my final product. I am using 1.5% of Optiphen Plus in my recipe. This is like my third batch of body lotion and it is happening that. Should I use Optiphen instead of Optiphen Plus? Am...
  3. B


    Oh my I'm so embarrassed but I'm so horrible @ math and I have researched & researched but just do not get it so here it goes... OK so I have a few questions that I'm sure you all know.....OK so I have to measure my Lye that has to be measured in weight & I do have a scale but I'm so...