My daughter gave me sunflower petals from her own sunflowers and I had them infusing in olive oil the past 9 months or so.. I wasn’t sure if the oil was any good but decided to try anyway. It smelled fine tho..using ZNSC I made these little owls with it using the petals for chest and ears and my juniper berries for eyes. I laid everything on the bottom of the mold and let the batter get to a medium trace so they would hopefully not float. For the most part it worked- the flowers aren’t through out I don’t think. The top ones are yellow from the sunflowers. It was a bright yellow unlike sunflower oil you get in the stores. Olive oil was yellow of course, but the end product was more yellow altogether. The bottom owls are infused with alkanet and olive but I don’t think I used enough. Anyway, I’m going to try again. It was fun ! Pictures of the oils next to each other. All my daughters love ZNSC!