site feedback
Here are some things I see as a buyer (please note, they are meant to be helpful and useful-not uber critical as I am sure it reads):
I think I would remove "guestbook" altogether as they are out of date and are rarely used and it is in prime web real estate. i would move your "members area" to the bottom of the page and put something you want to sell, or an email list optin box right there (try mailchimp, they offer a free account if your list is under 1000). Again prime real estate, you want it to sell or attract followers.
I viewed the source on your page and your keywords look fine on your index page, I would add your "USP"-unique selling proposition in your site "description", right now it is generic and won't drive search engine traffic specifically to your site. I've also noted that you'll sometimes have ranking issues with google when linking to "freeweb" images...
One last item I might think about is the description on the right and the products on the left. I would switch them, give your product more space-more limelight. The description doesn't sell, your products are attractive and that's why I'm there...right : )