You know you're a soaper when...
You dart straight to cooking section of the supermarket to look at oils.
You make regular trips to the chemist for castor oil.
Every single ingredient that you use for cooking, you think about using in soap.
Every single smell that you smell you think about using for soap.
Every single dessert that you see, you think of a soap eg: Lemon Meringue Pie/Soap, Tiramisu Cake/Soap, Chocolate Fudge/Soap!!!
Every single person that you know, or meet, with any particular skin condition, you think about making a soap "for them"
You enjoy soaping more than cooking food.
You pick up soap just to smell it.
You walk past your curing racks 13 times per day just to check on the babies to make sure they are ok.
You spend lots of time on the internet on SMF, and looking at other peoples soap shop websites.
Soaping is who I am, not what I do
and most of all....
You know you're a soaper when your skin is the best it's ever been, and you haven't bought commercial soap for soooo long.