You know there's a sale today at WSP, right?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2014
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New England
But did they have the Nag Champa FO that I specifically went there for? No! But did that stop me from finding $40 worth of other stuff so that I could get the free shipping? What do you think?
Bahaha! Same here. I was specifically going for a few valentines/spring fragrances and sweet almond oil. They didn't have the almond oil but I still spent $50 on fragrances...
I too wasn't broke until I hit the sale. I had swore I wasn't ordering anything else till the first of the year so it fell in another tax season. Dang it! IrishLass you are so very funny! Yes, there is certainly something going on.....I refuse to admit to an addiction....I not addicted.....addicted folks have to go to
Their Black Raspberry Vanilla had better be as good as people say it is. I only wanted the Vanilla Bean Noel and I came out with a bunch of other stuff and none of that! Out of stock, blast it. And to what did I donate? I saw that after I paid. I HATE that, sneaking in a donation to something I'm not certain I support. Maybe it's an automatic donation to Soaper's Anonymous but you know they're pocketing it because who shows up to stop soaping? Exactly no one.
I got all I wanted except one thing, ordered at 5 am this morning. Will be next years tax season, as it won't get delivered til next year, and my Credit card won't get paid until next year.
I way overspent!!
Any other FO suggestions? I'm sneaking a bunch of FOs into my order... what DH doesn't know won't hurt him. ;)

So far:

Cucumber Melon
Monkey Farts
Off the top of my head, their Sugared Spruce is a keeper around here, as well as their Sun & Sand and Happy.

IrishLass :)
Sale logic......."If it's on sale, I must need it." And drat, I still have to go back for the Nag Champa that I originally went there for!

And Snappyllama, that's my recommendation, their Nag Champa is the best. I used the last of mine this Christmas season, that was really all I was going to buy, and I didn't actually neeeeeeed anything, but that sale logic gets me every time.:D
If it makes you guys feel any better, the Nag Champa has been out of stock since they announced the sale... 2 weeks ago? It was on my wish list as well. Oh well consoled myself and bought way too much other stuff instead.
Yeah, I just spent at least 3 times as much as I had planned to. I'm a sucker for FO's on sale!

Haven't tried the Nag Champa (I'll have to try it based on the recommendations here once it's back in stock), but I was super bummed that the Eucalyptus Spearmint FO was out of stock. I'm trying the EO/FO blend of the same fragrance to see if it's close.
I spent WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than I should have, but ooooooh it was all on sale! I justified it all by reminding hubby that he got a new Kitchen Aide mixer this week so I was entitled to go a little crazy at WSP tonight! Thank goodness I had to work today so I only had a little bit of time to browse and shop :D
They carry so many FOs and the site has such small print and is confusing and confounding for my work-tired brain. Thank goodness I'm too lazy to poke around for bargains I can't afford and don't need anyway.

Well, maybe it wouldn't hurt to browse ...