Alright I did my first batch tonight, finished it about a half hour ago and I am very excited and pleased by the results.... heres what I used/did
My numbers:
olive oil 75%
coconut (75 degree) 25%
1oz bees wax
15-20 drops lemon EO and some fresh lemon rinds chopped very fine (IMO best source for EO if you use citrus...I know this from cooking alot )
I did a 2lb batch and used
344g H20
127g sodium hydroxide
680g olive oil (extra virgin)
226g coconut oil
the numbers look like this:
hard: 31
cle: 17
con: 65
bub: 17
cr: 14
io: 64
INS: 146
heated olive, coconut and beeswax to 130ish, set aside on stove to let it keep warm....mixed lye into h20 with stainless steel spoon and let that cool to 120ish, then combined the lye slowly into the oil mixture and got my SB to it...SB'd it for about 5-7 minutes (lost track of time may have been more or less...was concentrating on the process and the characteristics as opposed to timing)...once trace was reached it started to come together pretty fast, I added some fresh lemon rinds (peeled like a minute before putting into the soap solution) as well as about 20 drops of Lemon EO... SB another 5 seconds and then poured into my mold and smoothed it out with a rubber spatula (I had coated the mold in parchment paper). I used apple cider vinegar to neutralize everything the lye could possibly have touched when cleaning up. allowed the soap to harden a bit before i placed a piece of parchment paper on top with a piece of cardboard and some weights on top of that.
what do you think!?!?!?! how did i do?!?!
whats the least possible time that i can wait before i test it out!!
im so excited might have to do the zap test when it cools and test it!.... smells nice and has a nice yellowish color with specks of orangish yellow from the lemon rind!
lets see if i can get some pics up...theyre kind of fuzzy but its all good ill get some clearer ones when i cut it!
My numbers:
olive oil 75%
coconut (75 degree) 25%
1oz bees wax
15-20 drops lemon EO and some fresh lemon rinds chopped very fine (IMO best source for EO if you use citrus...I know this from cooking alot )
I did a 2lb batch and used
344g H20
127g sodium hydroxide
680g olive oil (extra virgin)
226g coconut oil
the numbers look like this:
hard: 31
cle: 17
con: 65
bub: 17
cr: 14
io: 64
INS: 146
heated olive, coconut and beeswax to 130ish, set aside on stove to let it keep warm....mixed lye into h20 with stainless steel spoon and let that cool to 120ish, then combined the lye slowly into the oil mixture and got my SB to it...SB'd it for about 5-7 minutes (lost track of time may have been more or less...was concentrating on the process and the characteristics as opposed to timing)...once trace was reached it started to come together pretty fast, I added some fresh lemon rinds (peeled like a minute before putting into the soap solution) as well as about 20 drops of Lemon EO... SB another 5 seconds and then poured into my mold and smoothed it out with a rubber spatula (I had coated the mold in parchment paper). I used apple cider vinegar to neutralize everything the lye could possibly have touched when cleaning up. allowed the soap to harden a bit before i placed a piece of parchment paper on top with a piece of cardboard and some weights on top of that.
what do you think!?!?!?! how did i do?!?!
whats the least possible time that i can wait before i test it out!!
im so excited might have to do the zap test when it cools and test it!.... smells nice and has a nice yellowish color with specks of orangish yellow from the lemon rind!
lets see if i can get some pics up...theyre kind of fuzzy but its all good ill get some clearer ones when i cut it!