I prefer the free shipping, don't get me wrong, my orders are always above the min., b/c I usually keep a cart going and don't check out until then. But I like the option of having a fairly low set fee if for some reason I want/need something before that. What happened the last time they changed their price structure is that - according to what many people said - their prices went up by enough that if you bought $40 worth of stuff, you'd end up paying enough in increased pricing to eat up the "free shipping" break you were getting. Don't know if this makes sense, super tired today and the brain is pretty fuzzy.
Also, a flat fee of $7.95 in shipping for anything under $40 is pretty good. It seems like most places would charge you close to $15 for a single lb order of FO if you were desperate enough to buy it that way. And the "regular" free shipping structure at WSP stays the same. So as long as the *product prices* stay the same, it seems like a happy outcome all around.