I received my shipment of sodium lactate, stearic acid, and benzoin powder today from Brambleberry. I am so pleased so far. It took them no time getting my order to me. I also received a complimentary sample of Lemon Cake fo. It smells divine and I'm in love! I will be ordering a huge amount of the fo asap. I do have a question though if anyone is available on here to help me. I am about to make a batch of cphp and then finish it in my oven at 200 degrees for 2 hours then turn it off for the night. May I ask which I should use, the sod lactate or the stearic acid in my recipe that is 22.5oz lard 10oz oo 10oz coconut? Or am I supposed to use both at the same time? Also how much would you use to make these bars nice and hard? How do I use the benzoin powder to fix my scents and how much would you use of it? The oils make 2.65 lbs. It has been a very long day and the info I can find at the moment is about cold process. Sorry I am bothering yall about this so late at night. It seems like I'm always having to make my soap at night when most folks are sleeping