Wool wash for knits help

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Feb 15, 2023
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Hi all!

I'm new to soap making and am looking for a soap recipe to solve a specific problem. I'm an avid knitter and want to be able to make my own liquid wool wash for my knits. Traditional wool wash recipes use methylated spirits, which I'd prefer to avoid, and don't include any lanolin. I've found blog posts online from people making lanolin wool wash but no specific recipe with amounts or directions. Does anyone here have any experience making a liquid wool wash soap with a small amount lanolin? Or know of resources that might have recipes?

I'm absolutely new to soap making so I'm looking for a recipe that would have the step-by-step instructions in addition to proper ingredient rations & amounts.

I (and my knits) appreciate any help you can give!

(Here's a link to my ravelry for any fellow knitters! Ravelry )

Thank you!
There is a reason why wool washes contain methylated spirits, to help clean grease and stains in lieu of agitation...which you can't do unless you want to felt your garment.
There is a reason why wool washes contain methylated spirits, to help clean grease and stains in lieu of agitation...which you can't do unless you want to felt your garment.

That’s really helpful information, thank you! In that case, is it possible to add lanolin to the standard wool wash recipe? (4 cups soap flakes, 1 cup of methylated spirits, 4 cups boiling water, 1 tbsp of essential oil for fragrance)?
Hi all!

I'm new to soap making and am looking for a soap recipe to solve a specific problem. I'm an avid knitter and want to be able to make my own liquid wool wash for my knits. Traditional wool wash recipes use methylated spirits, which I'd prefer to avoid, and don't include any lanolin. I've found blog posts online from people making lanolin wool wash but no specific recipe with amounts or directions. Does anyone here have any experience making a liquid wool wash soap with a small amount lanolin? Or know of resources that might have recipes?

I'm absolutely new to soap making so I'm looking for a recipe that would have the step-by-step instructions in addition to proper ingredient rations & amounts.

I (and my knits) appreciate any help you can give!

(Here's a link to my ravelry for any fellow knitters! Ravelry )

Thank you!
I'm also a knitter. I wash my knits in Dawn.
True lye-based soap makes sticky soap scum when you mix it with tap water due to the minerals in tap water. Scum can build up in fiber, making it feel stiff or harsh.

If you can use rain water or otherwise demineralize the water, you can avoid this problem, in which case, soap is fine. That was the solution often used by our grandmothers who didn't have access to modern synthetic detergents. If you plan to use tap water, I'd recommend what the others are doing -- use Dawn or other synthetic detergent blend, not lye-based soap.

Lanolin, if it's not well emulsified, can make fiber sticky. I know people "lanolize" baby diaper covers and coats and other outdoor woolens that people want to be water resistant. I gather it's okay if these items are a bit sticky.

If you want to use it for other items, I'd experiment first to make sure it works the way you want it to -- it could easily be waaay too much of a good thing unless you're doing diaper covers or mountain man coats.
Hi all!

I'm new to soap making and am looking for a soap recipe to solve a specific problem. I'm an avid knitter and want to be able to make my own liquid wool wash for my knits. Traditional wool wash recipes use methylated spirits, which I'd prefer to avoid, and don't include any lanolin. I've found blog posts online from people making lanolin wool wash but no specific recipe with amounts or directions. Does anyone here have any experience making a liquid wool wash soap with a small amount lanolin? Or know of resources that might have recipes?

I'm absolutely new to soap making so I'm looking for a recipe that would have the step-by-step instructions in addition to proper ingredient rations & amounts.

I (and my knits) appreciate any help you can give!

(Here's a link to my ravelry for any fellow knitters! Ravelry )

Thank you!
Hi! I am a Soaper and a fiber Artist. I clean, card, and spin my yarn. I use Orvis Paste to wash the dirt and excess lanolin from my fleece. This is the only commercial product I use. Orvis Paste can be found at your local farm supply store, it is used to wash horses and does not dry out the fiber by leaving a small amount of lanolin in the fleece. It does contain Laurel sulfate, but a liquid soap at 3% to 5% superfat for your soap will do the same thing. Sub your potassium lye to pot ash and use olive oil and coconut oil. Most soap calculators will give you the superfat %, adjust until you get in the 3 to 5% stage. I hope this helps.
Hi all!

I'm new to soap making and am looking for a soap recipe to solve a specific problem. I'm an avid knitter and want to be able to make my own liquid wool wash for my knits. Traditional wool wash recipes use methylated spirits, which I'd prefer to avoid, and don't include any lanolin. I've found blog posts online from people making lanolin wool wash but no specific recipe with amounts or directions. Does anyone here have any experience making a liquid wool wash soap with a small amount lanolin? Or know of resources that might have recipes?

I'm absolutely new to soap making so I'm looking for a recipe that would have the step-by-step instructions in addition to proper ingredient rations & amounts.

I (and my knits) appreciate any help you can give!

(Here's a link to my ravelry for any fellow knitters! Ravelry )

Thank you!
No advice, but I popped over to your Ravelry to see your projects, and wow! You make some beautiful stuff! 😍
I’m also a knitter as well making soaps and shampoos. I used shampoo to wash woolens for years. While Dawn is a great product for many uses, I’m thinking that it would strip the wool of lanolin and dry it out, reducing the benefits of wool being wool over time. Since learning more about the care of wool from Clara Parkes, I’ve converted to Eucalan, a liquid soap that is very gentle and contains lanolin. I wear a lot of wool here in Southern California. Merino tank tops are my summer go-to garment because of breath-ability and resisting...uhm…aromas—anti bacterial.
Hi! I am on Ravelry but could not not find a member named knitsoapmaker, until just a few minutes ago when I noticed, here on SMF, a name peachandpurl, and I found a heap of wonderful projects. Congrats, Knitsoapmaker!
Hi all!

I'm new to soap making and am looking for a soap recipe to solve a specific problem. I'm an avid knitter and want to be able to make my own liquid wool wash for my knits. Traditional wool wash recipes use methylated spirits, which I'd prefer to avoid, and don't include any lanolin. I've found blog posts online from people making lanolin wool wash but no specific recipe with amounts or directions. Does anyone here have any experience making a liquid wool wash soap with a small amount lanolin? Or know of resources that might have recipes?

I'm absolutely new to soap making so I'm looking for a recipe that would have the step-by-step instructions in addition to proper ingredient rations & amounts.

I (and my knits) appreciate any help you can give!

(Here's a link to my ravelry for any fellow knitters! Ravelry )

Thank you!
Here is a link to Tuft Woolens which carries a wool soap. Maybe you could try it out and see how you like it and then work on your own version?