Update on Elements Bath & Body website regarding recipes.
They informed me that they're redoing the website and that the recipes section will be back online in about 7 days or so.
So I guess there was no issue regarding my linking the recipe here... at least on their end.
And that's your apology to the Admins and the community for
this post?
Apparently a couple of my links have been removed referring to where I posted recipes on the recipes section of this website.
I wasn't notified or asked why or anything... hmmm. This is disturbing, at least to me it is.
I don't appreciate the fact that someone has the ability to delete items from posts without the courtesy of explaining the issue/problem to the original poster. I was a moderator on three different Windows 7 websites for several years and I never would have deleted or modified anyone's posts with first discussing it with them in a private discussion area. If an admin or site moderator has an issue with what I post or link to... then TALK TO ME about it.
That's just common courtesy!
Honestly, if you expect to be treated with respect, why not show a little more respect yourself? I would not say this publicly if you had edited your post to remove your ill-advised attack on the admins. By attacking the admins publicly (especially for actions you later found out they did not take), and left that attack up on the boards while still within the timeframe that you could have edited it to remove the false accusation, you have attacked the community as a whole and you have created an unnecessary controversy.
This is a great group of soap, cosmetics and candle makers and we are a kind group of folks, who foster helpfulness and civility toward each other. Your above post does not demonstrate such an attitude, and I find it offensive to see it posted here.
Just to let you know, the rules section is here:
Soap Making Forum Announcements & Forum Help
I suggest you review these two threads in particular:
If you are able to edit your post dated on Sunday (per our common timezone), I suggest you do so, to remove the attack. If you do, I will do the same with this particular post of mine. I can still edit posts from last Thursday, so hopefully, you can still edit yours from Sunday.