I had been making candles for 4 years, and it was just the natural progession of things. I had been to many many craft shows and there were always more soapmakers than candlemakers, and I thought to myself, I can do that. LOL
So I reasearched and read EVERYTHING I could get my hands on the year of 2003. When my brother passed away in October, by January of '04 I was ready for a distraction that candles just couldn't do anymore, so I started making soap. And as they say, the rest is history. LOL[/quote
Funny, I told my Aunt that I was making soap and she said "Why don't you make candles? That's the new hot thing right now."
Well, who knows what I'll do next, but right now it's soap and I don't see it ever coming to a halt. It just seemed instinctive for me to make soap because I purchased so much handmade soap. I started getting really interested in what it was made of and started having a certain preference of how I expected the soap to look before I even received it. Then, I just started designing soaps in my head, You know, what type of ingredients I'd prefer; then I found mysef going broke over the amount that I was purchasing and decided I was going to make my own. Best thing that I ever did.
Now, my only problem if this is a problem, is that I still have the gazillion tons of soap that I purchased and the soap that I've made.