At first, my lye turned yellow, which I've heard is OK because of the sugar! Then ...
It went more clear, but had small (crystallised?) pieces in it. See below. What is that?
I had:
- destilled water
- 200x aloe powder
- sugar (1,5 % of oils)
- sodium citrate (1,5 % of oils)
- sea salt (0,5 % of oils)
Which i carefully dissolved hours before adding the lye.
Also, it didn't heat up very much at all.
I used a 40 % lye concentration.
I meassured it all carefully on a medicine scale with 0,000 g precision.

It went more clear, but had small (crystallised?) pieces in it. See below. What is that?
I had:
- destilled water
- 200x aloe powder
- sugar (1,5 % of oils)
- sodium citrate (1,5 % of oils)
- sea salt (0,5 % of oils)
Which i carefully dissolved hours before adding the lye.
Also, it didn't heat up very much at all.
I meassured it all carefully on a medicine scale with 0,000 g precision.