Looks like you made soap paste and are diluting it?? I don't see anything abnormal - that's exactly what happens when I dilute paste. If the recipe was calculated correctly there's no need to extra lye. Now that you have added extra lye - it might be lye heavy. You need to be a zap test - very carefully. There are directions on the forum how to do that properly.
If liquid soap is now lye heavy, I don't know how to help that, but there might be someone who does.
In the future when you have the same situation as posted in the pictures, it means you need to add a little more water - or simply remove the chunks and dilute them separately. Some people are very exacting when they dilute their paste and keep records on how much water it takes per batch. I wing it and am happy with that. Once liquid soap cools - it thickens quite a bit (at least my recipe, with high olive oil amounts) and sometimes little chunks of paste reform in the bottle. I can add a little water straight to the bottle, shake, let it sit and the problem fixes itself.