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Double soap day!  I've been looking through the Browsing soap pics thread and feeling all inspired  😁  plus it's Wednesday which means I need extra coping.

I was so happy with this fire-inspired soap until halfway through the swirl when it struck me that I had done the colours in the wrong order 😫

Like, it's fine... but it was days of planning and hours of prepping... Doh!


I also had a go at getting back to my roots and making a grocery soap, which was a lot of fun!  I was amazed at how slow my current recipe is to trace.  I'm sure it's something to do with the home-rendered tallow.  The industrial stuff I used to buy would trace fast enough, and go from liquid to solid in the blink of an eye.  The new stuff is softer at room temperature and it's a more gradual solidifying, and takes aaaaages to trace.

Not that I'm complaining! But I presume it's a purity thing, which makes me wonder if there's a risk my more recent soaps are less superfatted than I thought 🤔
