I made three batches of soap today, all 500 gram batches, to see if I can tell the difference in Lard, Walmart's Tallow/lard combo and Palm oil as the main ingredient in my regular soap. I do all my soaps in HP. I've done all three oils in other batches, but my notes at that time were skimpy so I cannot figure out which I liked the best and why! And they were all done at different times and not necessarily consecutively, so relying on my memory is not the way to do this. And each of them were tweaked just a bit so I wouldn't have known if it was the tweak or the actual oil. So this time everything is the same except for the main oil.
So far in the cleaning up process the Tallow/lard combo seemed the most drying and it was the first one I made. By the time I cleaned up the third time everything felt drying. I plan to test at one month and two months just to check it out. Usually I cure about 6 weeks on this soap, so maybe will try it out 4, 6 and 8 weeks just to be sure.
But hubby remarked on how good the house smells...and says he wants to try out the first one which was Cocoa Butter and Cashmere FO by Maple Street Candle. This is the guy who has used Dial soap for 50 years and wouldn't touch my soaps until he started getting old skin (dry, flaky, itchy skin) Now he is sold on my soaps. I told him he'd have to wait at least 6 weeks and he was surprised....and then said, "That's why you make at least one batch of soap a month and have such a huge amount in storage!" He's finally getting it! Yay