What is the best antioxidant to prevent DOS???

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2009
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I've heard some people use ROE and some use T-50. What do you use? Perhaps something else?

I live in the hot humid south so I'd feel better using something but I don't want to order (and pay for shipping!) for something if it's not really the best option.

Has anyone tried an antioxidant and still gotten dos? Just wondering if you'd share your test results with me.

i heard rosemary extract, there is a thread about this, if you do a search.
I use T-50 in my oils when they arrive, & in each batch. I haven't had any DOS or rancidity since I started doing that a year ago.
i use grapefruit seed extract which i love and knock wood i haven't had any dos yet.....but i've heard that some ppl don't think that is an adequate preservative....that vitamin E is better or some others. i've only been soapin for one month so maybe dos hasn't had enough time to rear it's ugly head for me. i hope not.
I haven't had any either, thankfully.....but that's probably all about to change since I used that cotton-pickin' hazelnut oil...lol
honor435 said:
there is a thread about this, if you do a search.

Thanks honor. I always try that first but I either I don't seem to get the hang of how the search works on this forum or I'm just no good at it, but everytime I search for something I get way more stuff than what seems relavent. And since my question was more specific than "What's a good antioxidant to use?", I was hoping you all wouldn't mind me asking.

For those of you who use ROE, how much do you use in your soap?

For those of you who use T-50, same question please.

Thank you for indulging me,
Tootie_Smiles said:
Mandolyn - about how much T-50 do you add per pound of oils?


I am curious to know this too. If you don't mind telling us .

There is a thread here: http://soapmakingforum.com/forum/viewto ... ht=extract

This is my post from that thread, re ROE and scientific data on DOS. The link to the actual study is at the very end:

Re DOS and preservatives:

I can't remember who gave me this link (might have been someone here - I can't recall), but it describes a controlled experiment which compares various hypothetical methods of preventing DOS, specifically lye discount/superfat and preservative additives.

The preservatives that made a significant difference were:
- rosemary oleoresin extract
- to lesser but still significant extent, BHT.

Things that made no difference were:
- Grapefruit Seed Extract
- Vit E
- Vit C
- sodium citrate
- changing the superfat from 10% down to 0%.

Wow, what an interesting article! Thank you for that link surf girl.

And to add to your summary, they also found that if your customers are not opposed to artificial additives, the best results come from a combination of BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene) and Sodium Citrate. Use 0.1% of your oil weight.

I'll probably skip the T-50 (Vitamin E) based on this study and go with some ROE for the all natural soap and the BHT + Sodium Citrate for the others. Does anyone know if those last two additives are sold by soapmaking suppliers? I hope they're not as expensive as ROE!
